The software I need only needs to do a few simple things:
1. Transfer ALL of the photos from my digital camera to the computer at once, while saving each pic as a separate file, in the folder I choose.
2. Save the pics exactly as they come off the camera (no image quality loss). I take the pictures in .tif format, which is what I want them to save as.
3. Save the date I took the pictures it gets from the camera, rather than just the date I transfered them to the computer. Including other EXIF camera data would be good, but is not required.
I have the Imaging software that came with Windows 2000, but it won't transfer the pics all at once (unless I want to save them all into one BIG file, which I don't) and doesn't include the date. I downloaded Picassa from Google, and that downloads them all at once as separate files, but only as JPEGs, and I can't even choose the quality. It's *supposed* to transfer the date and other EXIF data, but for some reason it won't.
My camera does display the date and other information, so I don't know why it isn't transferring. Does the pics being .tif files make a difference?
My digital camera is a Canon D-10, if that helps.
Any freeware suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!