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  1. #1
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    Your thoughts on this . . . .
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails View from Within . . .Seaport ll-42790029withinweb.jpg  
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  2. #2
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    This is more like it - the mystique is back in bucketfulls. You've done it again - what is the person in the seat looking at? whats is in the building, what was it or is it used for? Whats that on the floor?

    I love this shot and the way you've captured the inside and an excellent presentation of the outside. I also like how the window reflection gives a highlight to the underneath of the bench or whatever it is. Reminds me of the sheds that people use in the UK as beach huts

    Boy am I rampling. So I must like it brain gone into overdrive
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  3. #3
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    Re: View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    Ditto what Rr said.
    Much less neg space and more detail "Within".

  4. #4
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    This is very strong. I love the rich blacks and just the right amount of detail in the dark to get us guessing. We enjoy the limited view and populate the unseen areas, outside and in, with much more than could possibly be there.
    The composition is excellent with our eye being lead confidently, but still allowed to wonder back to absorb the details.
    I hope some day I'll be standing in a gallery somewhere enjoying this excellent work telling my companion, "I knew him when... see that one with the steps over there? Well...."
    Are you getting these shots any public exposure yet?

  5. #5
    "Artisaliethatmakesusreali zetruth" PlantedTao's Avatar
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    Re: View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    Damn your good
    I like this photo more than the first one posted because of the richness of the blacks and the great tones that you have brought out. The mystery of the shot is great and I love how you have the person seated, which adds to the mystery. This photo would go on my wall along with warehouse is the same person, right?
    This series rocks! and always makes me want to skip work and go out shooting.

    My one nit pik is that sliver of light from the window...I think that the photo would have been stronger with out it or more of it.

  6. #6
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    Jeeeeze Gary!?
    Another great image in this great series.
    You are starting to make the rest of us look bad!
    I am very pleased you have such a great project to work on, and that you are sharing it with us.
    I have nothing to say as far as a critique, this and all of the photographs from this series are very good. You are manipulating and printing them in just the right way. Even if it is shot digitally...
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  7. #7
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    OK, So maybe I have something to say afterall...

    Looking at this and the other composition of this scene, I'd say this one is the better of the two.
    The other one seems too busy in the doorway/background. This one though gives a peaceful kind of relaxed or something feel to it.
    The other one, my eye goes right to the house and all the other information in the door and not take in the rest.
    This is the one you should go with it.
    Trust us on this one!
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  8. #8
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: OK, So maybe I have something to say afterall...


    Great series work. Love all your series so far!

    Nice shooting,


  9. #9
    Member Nina's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    Gary, You've done it again & I have too agree with everyone in saying that this is the better shot of the 2. It has alot more appeal & interest. It never ceases to amaze me how you are continually evolving in your work. I too am waiting to see your work displayed on a higher level.

  10. #10
    ARP is offline
    Arie Rotshtein Photography
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    Re: View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    Very nice Gary, Love the mood in b&w and also the window light at the entrance floor.


  11. #11
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    Hey, I didn't see this one before I replied to the other one. I like this one better. But still it's a tad bit too contrasty.

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  12. #12
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: View from Within . . .Seaport ll

    First off, thanks all for sharing your thoughts on this with me. The critques, suggestions, and praise when things are good have always been my most valuable source of learning and advancing in this medium of creative expression that I have grown to like very much.

    Roger, I tend to agree with you that this shot has more of what it is that makes this concept appealing whereas the other shot reveals too much and visually not as attractive. Glad to know your take on that.

    Mark, thanks for the time to look and comment.

    Chunk, as Always you have a great way of expression with words as well as the lens. Your positive view on this as well as the kind sentiment is heartwarming. Thanks..btw, I have upgraded my scanner and have been rescanning all my rolls, printing contact sheets, burning discs and basically cataloging evrything as well as making test prints and experimenting with getting things to look as I wish ( time consuming to say the least) I hope to put together a few portfolios to shop around and hope to one day soon be able to share some work with the public which should be fun.

    Tao, happy to know you like this series and I must say I'm very impressed that you are so perceptive as to know the person in the shot is the same as from the Abandoned warehouse image which was posted a good ways back. She is also in one other, the Ski lift shack.

    Brian. . . I'm always happy to know when you feel one from this series is working, as you have been a big supporter of me on this concept. . btw. . .I shoot film, then produce digitally thereafter.

    Jared, thanks for the time. I see you share your time generously on this forum and I and I'm sure others appreciate it alot. Thanks

    Nina, Thanks for your comments and support as always. Glad to see you posting pics as well

    Arie. . .glad to know your feeling on this. Thanks for the time

    Liban. . .I have not printed this out yet and I tend to agree that it may be a tad too contrasty in a few areas, and I may have another go at opening it up a slight bit before the final version. Thanks
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  13. #13
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    A 1000 Apologies !

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    Brian. . . I'm always happy to know when you feel one from this series is working, as you have been a big supporter of me on this concept. . btw. . .I shoot film, then produce digitally thereafter.
    My bad Gary!
    I thought I read sometime or another that you were solely a digital shooter, not that it is a bad thing to be mind you.
    If you are shooting this series and anything thing else for that matter, then I like you and your work that much more!
    Yes, I LOVE FILM!
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    “A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed, and is, thereby, a true manifestation of what one feels about life in its entirety...” - Ansel Adams

    "Photography Is An Act Of Life" - Maine 2006

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