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Thread: Thirsty work?

  1. #1
    Photo Squire gmen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Thirsty work?

    As you'll see, it was a rather warm day for footballing activities... but very pleasant conditions to shoot the game in. Here are a few pics from a today's tussle between Redbridge FC and Ipswich Town FC, taken just a couple of hours ago.

    It was peachy to utilise the low ASA settings on the camera again... let me know what you think of these efforts.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Thirsty work?-redbridge_vs_ipswich_1.jpg   Thirsty work?-redbridge_vs_ipswich_2.jpg   Thirsty work?-redbridge_vs_ipswich_3.jpg   Thirsty work?-redbridge_vs_ipswich_4.jpg  
    Sport in Essex in Pictures
    <a href=""><strong></strong></a>

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by gmen
    As you'll see, it was a rather warm day for footballing activities... but very pleasant conditions to shoot the game in. Here are a few pics from a today's tussle between Redbridge FC and Ipswich Town FC, taken just a couple of hours ago.

    It was peachy to utilise the low ASA settings on the camera again... let me know what you think of these efforts.

    I am not very used to sport photography (I don't shoot sports) but your series appears especially good to me. Obviously they are all well exposed and fairly sharp but beyond these simple technical considerations I am very pleased by the way you captured the action.

    I don't exactly know how to put this into words but it seems that you have captured the essence of the game. It makes me feel like I was there.



  3. #3
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by gmen
    As you'll see, it was a rather warm day for footballing activities... but very pleasant conditions to shoot the game in. Here are a few pics from a today's tussle between Redbridge FC and Ipswich Town FC, taken just a couple of hours ago.

    It was peachy to utilise the low ASA settings on the camera again... let me know what you think of these efforts.
    All these are strong, professional images. in #1 you've caught he action, but trimmed off the feet and the man at camera right. Camera down and to the left would have been perfect. #2 reminds me that the action doesn't always have to include the ball (or even the game.) #3 is solid, but the people in the rear are a little too clear and seem to be standing around. #4 is a bit pedestrian compared to the others.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Fargo, North Dakota

    Nice Pictures!

    What is the brand of camera you are using?

  5. #5
    Photo Squire gmen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Thanks for your replies - and positive thoughts on the pics.

    Seb... I guess every game is a story in itself - both on and off the pitch!

    Lava... How I wish these players would jump and move more predictably! For info, these are all shot with a 300mm lens all at 1/1000 at f/4... but I fully accept your comments on all the images.

    I will post some other pics like #1 where the composition is a little better. It has to be said when framing so tightly that it's very hard to get the 'perfect' composition every time. All the pics are only cropped very slightly as I try to do as much of the work as possible 'in camera'.

    The background to image #3 may have been improved slightly if I had opened up to the maximum aperture of f/2.8. I suppose I hedge my bets slightly by working at f/4 - it buys a few inches of extra DOF, and therefore sharpness, which can come in handy with these fast moving players.

    I have some time for image #4 purely because I like the way that all three players are so firmly focused on the whereabouts of the ball!

    Fargomnm... All my equipment is Canon - these were all shot on a 10D with 300mm f/2.8L lens.
    Sport in Essex in Pictures
    <a href=""><strong></strong></a>

  6. #6
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    N.Y. U.S.A.
    I like them. I especially like the last one #4. All eyes on the ball, whach has not yet hit the ground. i can feel the anticipation there. I would agree it is extremely difficult to frame these type of shots and I would think that you would fire off bursts of shots one after another in the hopes of catching a few great ones. All well exposed and colorful.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  7. #7
    Photo Squire gmen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    The very latest action...

    Quote Originally Posted by gahspidy
    I like them. I especially like the last one #4. All eyes on the ball, whach has not yet hit the ground. i can feel the anticipation there. I would agree it is extremely difficult to frame these type of shots and I would think that you would fire off bursts of shots one after another in the hopes of catching a few great ones. All well exposed and colorful.
    Thanks gahspidy - here are a couple from a sequence shot yesterday evening - these are cropped slightly for height, but not for width - and illustrate the margin of error that you can be working with.

    They are about 1 second apart - but the player initially on the left has 'fallen out' of the frame and only his arm remains!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Thirsty work?-mount_vs_barking_1.jpg   Thirsty work?-mount_vs_barking_2.jpg  
    Last edited by gmen; 07-27-2004 at 09:15 AM. Reason: Cropped images to be identical in size
    Sport in Essex in Pictures
    <a href=""><strong></strong></a>

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