I wasn't able to post any pictures when we were doing the work related thread so thought I'd start a mini-thread to follow it up.
Here's a couple of shots that I think shows the variety of aircraft I have to deal with every week. Makes for some interesting days at work!
BTW, these were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 2000. It doesn't do too bad for being a P&S digital.
A Navy version of the Blackhawk (not a Seahawk, look at the rear landing gear). We had two land to refuel & grab a bite to eat while on a cross-country flight. What I failed to get was a picture of the DC-9 that was parked in front of these guys. This was taken just a couple of weeks ago.
My apologies for this being so small but it was hard to get all three airplanes in a single shot with the lens on the Coolpix. Here's a '40s Piper Cub, a Navy T-45A trainer, and a Citation X corporate jet. Taken last fall.