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Thanks Liz and Lara too. This was taken with my Panasonic FZ-20. Any sharpness can be credited to the built in anti old man shake and the nice Leica 6-76 mm lens it has.
Interesting composition and contrasting colours and in particular textures created by the wall and cloudy sky, don't want to look at it for too long but like it!!
Hi Chunk,
The shot shows the height very well. The red and blue colour combination is good. I hope to see a bird or an aeroplane in the right sky. The shot is slightly distorted but that does not bother me. Well done!
I like this, Chunk. There are great contrasts here in color and texture, and your perspective has emphasized the height well. Really love those earthy red bricks.
Thanks, all, for taking a look and giving an opinion.
Herriot - a person could get a crick in the neck looking at this too long, couldn't he? I always seem to tip my head back when I look at a shot like this - seems to make it easier to accept the strained perspective.
Yoyo - The airplane is a good idea. I wish I had that suggestion a few weeks ago when there were lots of old warbirds heading for a huge flyin nearby. I'm not sure that what seems to be distortion isn't an actual bow in the tower and irregularities in the eaves trough. Other lines in the shot seem pretty straight. I'm going to stop by and look again, it's only a few blocks away.
Midori - Thanks, I think that a seperate shot of just the building or just the tower would not seem as tall.
Gary - thanks for the comments, I always like to know what you think.