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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Scenes from a cab

    This has been taken from a cab in Mumbai ( also known as Bombay), India.
    The taxi meter shown here has been around for more than 20 years now EXACTLY like it was !! Infact these have never been recalibrated as per inflation. They still read 1 rupee ( 2 cents) for a kilometre even though rates have now increased thirteenfold!! Instead of recalibration, a new taxi fare card is issued each year which allows you to find out how much the journey has cost you in terms of today money : )) .... without the need for the expensive recalibration and deisgning

    The shot is from inside the cab so the windscreen can be seen in all its glory!

    Love to hear all your views on this shot

    Taken on an Olympus C750 UZ
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Scenes from a cab-scenes-cab-1.jpg  

  2. #2
    Member PhoebeG's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Granger, IN USA
    Quote Originally Posted by The Ever Optimist
    This has been taken from a cab in Mumbai ( also known as Bombay), India.
    The taxi meter shown here has been around for more than 20 years now EXACTLY like it was !! Infact these have never been recalibrated as per inflation. They still read 1 rupee ( 2 cents) for a kilometre even though rates have now increased thirteenfold!! Instead of recalibration, a new taxi fare card is issued each year which allows you to find out how much the journey has cost you in terms of today money : )) .... without the need for the expensive recalibration and deisgning

    The shot is from inside the cab so the windscreen can be seen in all its glory!

    Love to hear all your views on this shot

    Taken on an Olympus C750 UZ
    Intersting history! I would have like to see more of the meter in the shot. There is too much background and not enough subject in the frame.


  3. #3
    Member kamboura's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ontario, Canada
    I see your vision for this, but the picture doesn't work for me. If I may suggest. First of all, the main subject is not really taking much of the picture, and you are not putting in context for me. How would I have felt if I had not read your verbage. If the meter is 20 years old, the taxi itself must be the same age, and probably not very well maintained. How about a view from the back seat, showing the driver, the old dashboad, and the old meter all together (if the driver is really old, ooohh.. that would be gravy).The shot maybe at an angel from behind the passenger seat. Try it in black and white as well. That would give it this old feeling you are looking for. I haven't shot in a car before, so, I am purely imaging here now. You would surely need a 28mm or 35 mm to get this right. The result would be the composition that explains the old taxi.

    Just a thought, I am in a mood for brain storming today !... I don't necessarily make sense !!
    Opinions I got lots, expertise none!! Hmm… except for giving opinions!!

  4. #4
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Great idea. I wish we could see more outside the windshiled.

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