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Just for starters I prefer the colour version. The muted tones of the rock are seriously powerful when compared to the starkness of the sky and snow.
This image would be even more powerful if you cloned out the two walkers who are blending together and just left the lone traveller.
Your composition is just the ticket here and speaks volumes in telling a tale of survival/loneliness etc.
I'd really like to know where you found this landscape. I think those are hills but they look like solid rock( I guess that's what many hills are!).
Beautiful composition.
Hmmm. Interesting pic. I don't want this to sound offensive, but I'm not very fond of this shot. There isn't much to look at subject matter, and if you were looking for a lost/lonely feel, I just don't feel it. I do prefer the color version, but there's just too much sky and not enough 'layers' in this picture. Interesting pic, but could be better,
I like the people, just not where they're currently at. I think without the people the photo would be even less of a good photo. But with the people in their current position they're intersecting the rock area and it makes for a distraction. If they were standing either completely in the snow so that they weren't intersected by "the layers" and jared so greatly coined or were standing on top of the rocky area it would be better.