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What I like about this photo the most is all the repeating patterns. The composition of the photo helps to enhance this and lets the eyes take it all in. The photo really makes me want to count all the repeating patterns
The only improvements would be to do a slight crop on the top and bottom (ever so slight) and try to increase the saturation. I think increasing the saturation would help to give more contrast between the sky, water and building.
Nice job and good eye for spotting this.
Is this Seattle???
I'm always mentally photographing everything as practice.
Minor White
IMO, there are 2 photos here. I am not sure the building is interesting enough to be a photo alone. However, the building (for me) takes away from the rest of the scene. There seems to be a nice scene with just the water, bridge, and mountains in the bg (of course including the wood thingys). I agree with PT, just don't care for the building.
I think I'll agree with payn817 - I really see two photo's. The building is interestng with all the contrast of textures and lines and could present itself a little better with a slightly different camera angle. The bridge and the water are exceptional - I love the way the pilings seem to point toward the center of the bridge, leadng the eye into the photo.
It was probably a cool building before all the modern electrical and HVAC items were tacked on the outside. The red of the building probably could be incorporated against a blude sky and get something very workable. Even a real close up of the clapboards or the brick.
In this shot the real "photo" is in the bridge and the pilings left from a pier. As has been mentioned the shot also needs to be adjusted some for saturation and/or contrast. The bridge alone looks like its worth sometime shooting under varying light conditions. It's the PacNorWest, wait a few minutes and you'll have better light or rain!