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I like the framing of this shot a lot and I like the use of diffusion here. The colors (blues and oranges and yellows) are very soothing. thumbs up well done...great feeling almost like an old photo.
"I was not trying to be shocking, or to be a pioneer.
I wasn't trying to change society, or to be ahead of my time.
I didn't think of myself as liberated, and I don't believe that I did anything important.
I was just myself. I didn't know any other way to be, or any other way to live.".
Dzerzhinski46: Thanks! "Etherial" is a word that I couldn't find!
natatbeach: Old photos look much tender than modern ones Thank You!
CarbonTerry: Eyes realy were closed. It was one of the last shots of this session, so Nikita (boy on this photo) didn't try to pose. I added "medium format" film edges to this 35mm frame (don't tell anybody ;) )