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Thread: Pale Morning

  1. #1
    Just Lurking
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    Pale Morning

    Here's one from earlier this year at Lake Tahoe. I welcome your comments and insights.



  2. #2
    Senior Member jetrim's Avatar
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    Re: Pale Morning

    Love the serene feel the pastel colors evoke. Can't really find anything to critique here

  3. #3
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: Pale Morning

    PC this one seems to lack the richness of most of your shots. It looks almost like an unprocessed RAW file for some reason. But that ain't really a bad thing. The rock in the center touching the horizon kind of bothers me and for some reason it has a cut/paste kind of look.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member armando_m's Avatar
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    Re: Pale Morning

    I like it, like the scene of a dream

  5. #5
    Just Lurking
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    Re: Pale Morning

    Jet, Greg, Armando - Thanks for commenting.

    Greg, yes it is a little different from what I have been posting, but the truth is that I'm been somewhat bored with what I've been doing lately and I'm looking for something different.

    Thanks again,


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  6. #6
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: Pale Morning

    Excellent stuff PC. The color temperature of the sky is beautiful, but I think the temperature of the rocks and foreground could be warmed up a bit. The rock that cuts through the mountains in the middle is a little distracting and sort of breaks the scene of the mountains. Still, very cool shot!!

  7. #7
    Just Lurking
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    Pleasanton, CA, USA

    Re: Pale Morning

    Anbesol - thanks for commenting. I do appreciate the feedback. I will look into warming up the foreground, but one of the things I like in this is the soft pinks and blues throughout both the sky and the stones.


  8. #8
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: Pale Morning

    the focus is amazing. love the pastel pallette. the background is amazingly serene. the only thing that bugs me is that the foreground is very overwhelming.

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  9. #9
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: Pale Morning

    That is true - maybe setting off the temperature of the stones would detract? Anyway, it was just an idea, maybe a bad one.

  10. #10
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Pale Morning

    Looks very nice to me PC. My only initial complaint is that the sky and water have the exact same look n feel, making them sort of blend together. The rocks are super interesting and I like how you cropped right at the corner on the left side. Excellent DOF though it seems like it could be a tad bit sharper in the distance. This may be adjustable via sharpening, but careful not to overdo it.

    The photo does seem to have an overall pink/violet tint to it, and I wonder if some color adjustments would make it better? It would be a delicate adjustment, as the color adds tranquility as is and I don't think you would want to lose that.

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  11. #11
    Just Lurking
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    Re: Pale Morning

    Liban - thanks for commenting. I see what you mean about the foreground. I may try a slight crop to see if that helps at all.

    GB - Yes, I think I was getting a lot of reflection of the sky in the water. This is before the sun came up and the water was fairly still. Yes, the distance might be a little softer than the foreground, but it's also 20 miles or so away. Also, what did you have in mind on the color adjustment? De-saturating the pinks/violets?

    Thanks again,


  12. #12
    Spamminator Grandpaw's Avatar
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    Re: Pale Morning

    I like the composition but to me the whole thing just looks a little flat. I will go against everyone else and say I think it needs some levels adjustment to give it a little more depth and maybe adjust the shadows and highlights some, Jeff
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