Hi all,
I hope it's o.k. to show you a black and white photo I colorized useing a software other then Adobe or Paint shop. Maybe you all know about this software, but it's a new one on me. It was really easy for me to use, and for me thats a pluss:-) No masking or magic wands or layers. I'm not selling it or connected with it in any way. Thats why I hope I'm not getting into any trouble here.
In no way is the colorized picture really complete. It was a hurryup job. A better one can be done. I did this one by just useing the original size on screen. About 4by6 inches. The black and white is about 70 years old. Dad is on the left (he would wupp me if he knew I colored him in a blue shirt) LOL:-) The two little ones are my brother and sister.
Coloring the pants could of been done better. As I said, It's just a proof picture, but even small details like the vine on the pourch in the back was easy to do with out zooming in. Well anyway there it is, don't spare any words. Like to here from ya-all. Thanks, Jim P.S.--The spot in the corner of the boys mouth was in the original photo, and the software is (Black Magic)