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  1. #1
    GB1 is offline
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    Oh, they're alive

    These caught my eye climbing up Stonewall Peak in Cuyamaca State Park, California.


    EDIT - Note; the site's affecting image quality (again). The original's sharp, but here the branches seem pretty soft

    Name:  DSC_1618_Edit1_1200.jpg
Views: 427
Size:  164.3 KB
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  2. #2
    photo gallery Mod. starriderrick's Avatar
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    Re: Oh, they're alive

    Softly the cobalt blue, the stark winter / fall contrasts.The angle works as well.

    Just my thoughts...

    Are you using firefox? I have had no problems with sharpness since I switched over. :O)


  3. #3
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
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    Re: Oh, they're alive

    It looks fine to me. I copied it and opened it in Photoshop too, just to make sure. I'm also using Firefox, like Rick. The image is being resized for display on the forum, though. So it would make sense if it got a hair softer. In my opinion, that's better than over-sharpening. And like I said, I don't think it looks soft.

    As far as a critique - I think this image is missing something. I think your composition is good. I like the angle of the trees - the way they're reaching into the sky. But I think it needs another element to bring it to life. It's just too two dimensional. I think I'm mentioned this to you before, but I think most photos need the interaction of three elements to really draw the viewer in and engage him/her. And I really only see two elements in this photo.

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  4. #4
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Oh, they're alive

    Thanks for the critique fellows.

    Rick, I use FF 99% of the time. I didn't know the site shrunk the image, which would explain it.

    PJ, agree on the missing something observation. I have never considered counting the number of elements - sounds like an excellent tip. Rule of Odds factors in too maybe.

    Here's the same image I uploaded, just linked. Can you see the difference?
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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Re: Oh, they're alive

    It is a nice photo, and I like the contrasts between the branches where some seem light and smooth and others seem dark and rough, and how the blue sky is a shade darker near the top. But I think it just needs something more. I feel like I should be looking for some hidden object or animal among the branches. Maybe if you had cut out that last couple of branches on the right and opened up the sky a little more it might have a stronger or more distinguished appeal.

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