Okay, Im new here and I was woundering what you guys think of some of my pictures, there may be a lot of pictures but i'll try and just pick out the ones I like the most.
My puppy misfit
With this I think it would have been better if I could have got the rest of her body in the pic
I dont know, or if anyone else agrees but I really like this picture, that is a pic of a stray cat that was hanging around by our house for awhile.
I would like this a lot better if my car wasnt in the background. Also is it just me or does it look a little slanted...?
I like this...
This was just a random picture I took, I think it would be a lot better if her hand wasnt blurry...
I really like this pic of my cat cherokee looking out the window
This is a cute pic but I could prolly crop out the part of her hand at the bottom of the pic
I dont know, there is something about this picture that makes me love to look at it. Maybe it has something to do with the person in the pic, but I just think it's really cool looking
I like this but I wish I wouldnt have cut out his finger on the left edge
This is two of my dogs in my backyard
In this pic the little kid, Orlando, looks mad...but the sun was just in his eyes
Ah thats good for now I guess...I hope it's not too many, please say what you wish about all the pics thanks