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  1. #1
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    My First Modeling Shot

    hello everyone from college well pre-college in an art school its realy fun here anywayz here is my first modeling image comments please
    taken with my d70 and my 105mm
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My First Modeling Shot-_dsc2215.jpg  
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  2. #2
    DJM is offline
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    Re: My First Modeling Shot

    Quote Originally Posted by Young Shooter
    hello everyone from college well pre-college in an art school its realy fun here anywayz here is my first modeling image comments please
    taken with my d70 and my 105mm
    It is a wonderful shot. Very close and almost personal with the subject. If I had to pick something to say for critique purpose, it would be her fingernails. For me they draw attention away from her beauty. Due to being so close you can really see the color variations in her face as well. If she is wearing make up it needs to be evened out. If not, I would soften it abit in PS. The black straps around her neck also distract me. They take the model from soft, sexy and intimate to beachy summer. Fine if thats what you were going for.

    Over all fantastic work!!

  3. #3
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: My First Modeling Shot

    Very decent first shot. The lighting is good and the up-closeness of the photo makes a strong impression. I agree with DJM that the model might want to do a little makeup before the model shoot. I've always found this to be a little of a touchy thing to tell a model, as some are a little sensitive. You might want to suggest that she just treat it like a prom night, and remind her that the camera often brings out little imperfections that aren't normally seen.

    As for other areas of improvement, might want to watch what's behind her; even with the wide aperature, the trees behind her are somewhat distracting. I can't tell what the grey area is on the left side - ? Pls remove, it's a little distracting too. I think the photo is sufficiently sharp, but could be sharper... esp around the eyes. This is always the first thing a person looks (just like in real life).

    Again - very nice first model shot...

  4. #4
    Re Member LeeIs's Avatar
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    Re: My First Modeling Shot

    Young shooter,
    Nicely done. I think it's pefect!! .

    About the make up bit. Sometimes the lens isn't up to the task and post editing is necessary. This is the 2nd shot I edit this moring (I think I'm hell bound).

    Here's what a tiny tweek, (Levels, Curves, Unsharp) did.

    Young Shooters Shot edit

    Again, great shot Young Shooter. I love the expression and the position of this shot. You've done really well.

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  5. #5
    DJM is offline
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    Talking Re: My First Modeling Shot

    Quote Originally Posted by Young Shooter
    hello everyone from college well pre-college in an art school its realy fun here anywayz here is my first modeling image comments please
    taken with my d70 and my 105mm
    I really like this shot, I keep coming back to it and thought I would illustrate my previous post. Here it is. I leveled out her color, banished the black straps, gave her a bit of a hurried manicure and took the pole out of the top right side of her head. I love it,
    Great shot!!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My First Modeling Shot-_dsc2215.jpg  

  6. #6
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: My First Modeling Shot


    Any hints on how you did this. I just had a try and mine looks terrible especially where you evened the models colouring and removing the black band around her neck. The pole I managed to remove okay with the cloning tool.
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  7. #7
    DJM is offline
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    Re: My First Modeling Shot

    Roger, I did it all with the clone tool. You need to enlarge the area that you are working on and decrease the opacity of the tool until you reach the desired coverage. The finger nails were the most difficult as there was not much to clone and replace. Where I evened out her color is not perfect as I did not have time to really do it right, I just wanted to illustrate my thoughts. It could look much better.

  8. #8
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: My First Modeling Shot

    Quote Originally Posted by DJM
    Roger, I did it all with the clone tool. You need to enlarge the area that you are working on and decrease the opacity of the tool until you reach the desired coverage. The finger nails were the most difficult as there was not much to clone and replace. Where I evened out her color is not perfect as I did not have time to really do it right, I just wanted to illustrate my thoughts. It could look much better.

    I need to find time to play with these tools and learn what they can really do.
    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

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  9. #9
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    Re: My First Modeling Shot

    Thanks to everyone for the comments i let the model know her picture was liked by others and not just me and she was happy, she modeled for free, its good practice, i knew she was sweating when we were doing our shoot, it would of added more to the picture if she was all madeup from the fingers to the hair but we were just working on posing and the catch lighting in her eyes,thanks for the photoshop work you guys did
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  10. #10
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    Re: My First Modeling Shot

    The thing I noticed most about this image was the under exposure of the face and the skin tones on her face. There are also some distracting marks on her that could be removed post capture and it could do with white balancing as well. Use Noise Ninja to remove some of the texture of the skin and sharpen her eyes, eye brows and lips slightly afterwards as well and I think you might find there is a marked improvement. You could also apply about 25% of warming filter 81 as well. Your choice.

    If you want I can attach a change I did of the original photo you posted or email it to you if you would like as well, just to look.

    The other thing I did was crop the left hand edge of the tree away from the distracting blank purple bar on the left as well, makes for a much cleaner and better image, imho.

  11. #11
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    Re: My First Modeling Shot

    I love her expression here... but would also have to agree that her hand tends to detract from the image and pull my eyes in that direction. Using similar lighting with a slightly different pose may work a bit better.

    Great shot though!


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