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Thread: My Father

  1. #26
    To Capture the Mind! MarcusK's Avatar
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    Lebanon / The World

    Re: My Father

    I think there are grey areas on the highlights, from burning? otherwise, this attempt is much closer, though much fiercer

    "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but rather, when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de St-Exupery

    Kindly do NOT edit my photos - I would rather try and apply your advice and learn...

    My Ramblings....

  2. #27
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: My Father

    Glad Marcusk pointed out the gray area as I don't have much if any experience with this kind of editing or even portraits for that matter and would not have noticed.
    For someone that does not know your father it seems to be a dramatic portrait and he does look like a 'hard' man and I can see why that would bother you if it goes against the character you know in him.
    I'm glad to see these examples of "dragon" and intend to give it a try when I get the opportunity.
    Keep Shooting!


    Please refrain from editing my photos without asking.

  3. #28
    Senior Member draymorton's Avatar
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    Re: My Father

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueRob
    Well in the search for the Dragan... again... this time I ended a bit closer I think. this time I pick a a different pic to start with, its a little more frontal and the shadows aren't so harsh on the left, I ended up with a color pic this time and I think it lands more accurately on this style.

    I must say that is hard to work on this style using my dad as a subject, the thing gets kind of surreal and completely reshapes what my father looks like. This style alters perception, makes things more crude and gives IMO a...harsh look difficult to digest at first glance.

    Did I over did it?
    Great work. I love the photo itself and feel that there's plenty of expression for the AD effect to do its thing.

    That said, there are things I like about the edit and things I like about the original. Gray areas (watch out for those) aside, I liked half his face cloaked in shadow quite a bit more. Having his whole face in plain view kind of saps the drama out of the image, IMHO, and makes it look kind of "Sears portrait-y," if that makes any sense. I also think the effect, though very well done, may be a bit overdone. Just a tiny bit. Mr. Dragoon's (as we like to call him) work is smoother/less jarring. The effect is not the first thing you notice. EXCELLENT effort on the whole, though, and very close to what Andrayzjz ( ) D seems to have been doing. Your dad is an awesome subject, btw.

  4. #29
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: My Father

    Quote Originally Posted by MarcusK
    I think there are grey areas on the highlights, from burning? otherwise, this attempt is much closer, though much fiercer
    Yeap correct I see the spots, and yeap I think they are do so to Burning at some point on the process. Iīll look to avoid those in future projects ;)

    BTW thank you very much for all the tips, hints, and pointers, they were really helpful.:thumbsup:

  5. #30
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: My Father

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog
    Glad Marcusk pointed out the gray area as I don't have much if any experience with this kind of editing or even portraits for that matter and would not have noticed.
    For someone that does not know your father it seems to be a dramatic portrait and he does look like a 'hard' man and I can see why that would bother you if it goes against the character you know in him.
    I'm glad to see these examples of "dragon" and intend to give it a try when I get the opportunity.
    Thanks for the comments Seņor Frog. Indeed my dad is more "easy looking" kind of guy, tho he has a very strong character within, with this type of portrait all than mingles, merges and multiplies in an interesting fierce mix.

    When you have chance, go for it! Its fun to try an widens how we see portraits.:thumbsup:

  6. #31
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: My Father

    Quote Originally Posted by draymorton
    Great work. I love the photo itself and feel that there's plenty of expression for the AD effect to do its thing.

    That said, there are things I like about the edit and things I like about the original. Gray areas (watch out for those) aside, I liked half his face cloaked in shadow quite a bit more. Having his whole face in plain view kind of saps the drama out of the image, IMHO, and makes it look kind of "Sears portrait-y," if that makes any sense. I also think the effect, though very well done, may be a bit overdone. Just a tiny bit. Mr. Dragoon's (as we like to call him) work is smoother/less jarring. The effect is not the first thing you notice. EXCELLENT effort on the whole, though, and very close to what Andrayzjz ( ) D seems to have been doing. Your dad is an awesome subject, btw.
    Thanks Dray
    You are right having more shadow to the left will aid to the effect and will give it more Drama, and yes I think is a bit exaggerated, in my next attempt will try to be more gentle on the effects and now that you mention it itīs quite true that, Draganīs work lacks this amount of effects and they donīt jump at you like in my example.- I have to learn how to keep the hard expressions an details without overdoing the rest

  7. #32
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2008
    Oologah, Oklahoma

    Re: My Father

    I like it. I am so impressed with the possibilities available in photography. Still in Photog 101 -- but maybe one day..........

    Good work!

    Your editing is welcomed. A picture is worth...

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  8. #33
    Senior Member BlueRob's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: My Father

    Quote Originally Posted by Shebang
    I like it. I am so impressed with the possibilities available in photography. Still in Photog 101 -- but maybe one day..........

    Good work!

    Thats the good of it! Brake the rules ,be different, there are plenty of style to experiment with, then create your own style, the one that fits you better:thumbsup:

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