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  1. #1
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Basingstoke UK

    Hangin on a thread

    Critique please
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Hangin on a thread-img_2335_r1-640.jpg  
    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

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  2. #2
    Where is Snowy? Yoyo Szeto's Avatar
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    Hong Kong

    Re: Hangin on a thread

    The title depicts the shot well; the compostion and the colour is nice. However, the tension is not developed as the water is very calm. I wish the lower part does not have uniform darkness, otherwise, nice shot!

  3. #3
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Basingstoke UK

    Re: Hangin on a thread

    Thanks for the comment

    The darkness is the shadow of the dock I am standing on, combined with a bank of seaweed. The area (Channel Islands) has tides of 30ft so its a big wall and you can even see my shadow (I think)standing on the dock near the rope on the left. Didn't spot that until you pointed out the shadow.

    Can you suggest any post processing?
    Last edited by readingr; 09-06-2005 at 12:53 AM. Reason: incomplete
    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

    My Web Site:

    Canon 5D; EF100-400 F4.5-5.6L IS USM; EF24-70 F2.8L USM 50mm F1.8 II; EF 100 F2.8 Macro
    Canon Powershot Pro 1; Canon Ixus 100

  4. #4
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    Re: Hangin on a thread

    Quote Originally Posted by readingr
    Critique please
    Nice image Roger. I like a lot for things about this photo the colors are well saturated and the line of the rope leading to the boat is very nice. Overall a very nice eye for composition. I would have liked for you to crop a smidge off the top to avoid the little color patch in the upper left corner. I would also have liked to see how the image would have come out if you framed the forground objects more to the left giving the lower portion of the image a little breathing room. Very nice photograph.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

    "A photographer is known by what he shows not by what he throws. The best photographers have the biggest trash cans." Quote from Nikon School sometime in the early 1970's.

  5. #5
    Where is Snowy? Yoyo Szeto's Avatar
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    Hong Kong

    Re: Hangin on a thread

    Hi Roger,
    If you shot the pic in RAW format, you can use the digital blending technique to reveal both the highlight and underexposed areas (Michael Reichmann's tutorial is very good: You need a file for the highlights and another one for the shadows (the shadows are converted from the RAW with positive exposure compensation). It is easy to do. Ideally, the scene is shot at various exposure values for the brightest and the darkest areas (you need a tripod for this).

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