As predicted the weather turned nice this morning, so I headed over to a forest preserve that I really like around 10:00am. The light was pretty decent... billowy clouds and sun, so it was a good shoot and good exercise (walked about 3.5 miles). Only problem was my battery crapped out on me when it was still reading 1/3 and learn. Possibly a firmware thing though.
Even so, what a thrill to be able to look at a mediocre composition or exposure and just delete it in real time, freeing up space for more shots. I'm going to love this. I still haven't done any golden hour type shooting and these are all hand-held, so I cannot fairly compare anything I've done yet to say Fuji Provia or Velvia, but so far so good.
These shots are pretty representative of the kinds of compositions I find when I'm out shooting, even though I did not have a tripod to work with this time around. So, what do you think?