Photo Critique Forum

Please post no more than five images a day and respond to as many images as you post. Critics, please be constructive, specific, and nice! Moderated by gahspidy and mtbbrian.
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  1. #1
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Critique problem?

    For the second time in the last few weeks I've just had the experience of another member using someone else's critique thread to post some vitriolic comments about me and my posting style. I'm not to concerned because the same poster has done the same to others under both his aliases so I figure in that way I'm in good company.

    It has gotten me to wondering if my critiquing style using the poster's shots and screenshots of dialog boxes to illustrate what I mean and using the "Reply to this message" to quote the poster bother other more normal folks. If it does I guess I would try to change the way I post. If it doesn't bother folks that much I'll continue on the way I have since it seems clearer to me that way sometimes than trying to use my poor communication skills to put it all in words.

    I also think it's about time for the moderators to consider taking steps to limit this kind of attack behavior. The newer people on the site may not understand that it comes from a long term troll and wonder why their thread, looking for help,is hijacked by someone for attack purposes.

    Some oldtimers I'm sure, remember the angst and damage done by personal attacks in the premoderated days and appreciate the better posting environment we have due to the time and effort expended by the moderators. Thanks to all of them for their hard work.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Lara's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Chunk, please pm Brian or me. I don't want you feeling this way. Let's see if we can rectify the situation. Personally I don't see any problem with your method of responding. You should be free to post your responses and not be personally attacked for the way you present them.

  3. #3
    Resting on the Lunatic Fringe FadderUri's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?


    I wouldn't change a thing about the way you post. Personally, being new to some of the finer points of PS, it helps to see the screen scrapes that you put up.
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  4. #4
    MJS is offline
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    Re: Critique problem?

    What they said Chunk. Some of my students love the way you post, it helps keep a record of sorts. Keep up the good work.

  5. #5
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    Re: Critique problem?

    I thought it was helpful

  6. #6
    GoldMember Lava Lamp's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chunk
    For the second time in the last few weeks I've just had the experience of another member using someone else's critique thread to post some vitriolic comments about me and my posting style. I'm not to concerned because the same poster has done the same to others under both his aliases so I figure in that way I'm in good company.

    It has gotten me to wondering if my critiquing style using the poster's shots and screenshots of dialog boxes to illustrate what I mean and using the "Reply to this message" to quote the poster bother other more normal folks. If it does I guess I would try to change the way I post. If it doesn't bother folks that much I'll continue on the way I have since it seems clearer to me that way sometimes than trying to use my poor communication skills to put it all in words.

    I also think it's about time for the moderators to consider taking steps to limit this kind of attack behavior. The newer people on the site may not understand that it comes from a long term troll and wonder why their thread, looking for help,is hijacked by someone for attack purposes.

    Some oldtimers I'm sure, remember the angst and damage done by personal attacks in the premoderated days and appreciate the better posting environment we have due to the time and effort expended by the moderators. Thanks to all of them for their hard work.
    That particular troll is on to his second or third alias and I still haven't figured him out. Sometimes there is a genuinely helpful demeanor and good information in his posts, but all too often it's chest-pounding and attacks. Now if only we could coax the good troll to come on out and the bad troll to stay in its cave, we'd all be better off - especially the troll.

  7. #7
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by MJS
    What they said Chunk. Some of my students love the way you post, it helps keep a record of sorts. Keep up the good work.
    You show this stuff to students? Now that IS intimidating. I assume they are photography students - is their work posted somewhere?

  8. #8
    Smelly Student Hindey's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    If it's any help, I just ignored the post in question. I don't really care how much experience someone has when they post "helpful" comments like they did. All's they can be doing is putting of beginners like myself. There is hardly ever a "right" way to do something and if someone disagrees with what you have to say, they should point it out via informative posts rather sounding like grumpy old men/women.

    I like your posts, always helpful. I'm sure my path to better photography is 100% unhindrered by this but definitley helped.

    Thanks for posting and keep doing so,
    Last edited by Hindey; 10-25-2004 at 01:17 AM. Reason: Missed a word out

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Chunk as others have said, just ignore it, keep posting the way you have and get on with life.

  10. #10
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Thanks to all who have answered. I appreciate it.

  11. #11
    Moderator of Critiques/Hearder of Cats mtbbrian's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    All you have todo is email PM or even report the post.
    Sorry this is still happening!
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  12. #12
    Senior Member shesells's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Chunk... After looking up that word " vitriolic " I am fuming mad. How could anyone find fault with your helping methods? So I did the research and found one of the threads you mentioned, and it was yesterday when my cable was out. He better be glad it was!I Had I seen that, I would have blasted him. You, above all, go out of your way and take up your own personal time to help other members with their photography and post processing. It became apparent to me from the beginning that you " take care " of those who others won't give the time of day to.

    As for your posts, keep doing exactly what you have been doing. It has helped me and numerous others. A picture is worth a thousand words, so it's the most expedient way of getting your point across, especially to other photogs who are visually oriented! Makes perfect sense!

    You know that I too had a " run in " with the same person. It really upset me and I too felt attacked. I pm'd him and straightened it out. I must say that he did become reasonable and he personally is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. But... I'll just say it straight out.. Elysian, this kind of stuff is not helpful! Quit it! You can't humiliate people like that, especially not Chunk who is as kind as any one can be. If someone doesn't like his ideas...well guess what? They don't have to use them! Tada! Maybe you didn't see my "Does anyone care for this" thread where he showed me by his "Method" how my shot could look even better. I loved it. I notice that you didn't even bother to critique that shot, so I was thankful that others like Chunk did.

    Elysian, you seem to spend your time telling people how to post instead of just giving your opinion, which is why people post their pics. They don't need a critic to critique others posts on their thread. The shame is that it's such a waste. You have so much to offer. We could not possibly agree with what everyone on this site says. So, if you don't... just say how you would handle it and let the viewer judge for himself. According to you, none of us should even attempt to post process or even critique threads.. since you can do both so much better, we should just send our originals to you and they will be fixed the " perfect " way. Then we can post them and only you can then give your critique about how perfect it is.
    one more thing.. you mess with Chunk.. you gonna make a lot of people mad.

  13. #13
    mod squad gahspidy's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Chunk, much has been said already on this topic, but I will just add that I've always found your insight and perspective to be invaluable. As with images, we may not all agree with comments and critiques, but how boring would life be if we all thought the same on evrything . I personally feel that everyone on this forum means well, but as I once said a while back, some others just lack a more tactful way of expressing themselves.
    Also, btw, I've always found your sense of humor refreshing.
    please do not edit and repost my photos


  14. #14
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by shesells
    Chunk... After looking up that word " vitriolic " ....
    Hope I used it right.
    Thanks for all the nice things you said Kit. Let's allow this to die down as long as no more stuff pops up.
    I think your point about any recommendation made in a critique is just a suggestion to be used or ignored is a good one that people need to remember.

  15. #15
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    Re: Critique problem?


    As a relative newcomer to this site I can say that one of the things that I found very refreshing was that people seemed to be willing to put time and effort into giving feedback and advice to others. It's this spirit of giving that makes it a positive experience for all of us. From what little I have experienced here, you have certainly demonstrated that generosity of spirit.

    Sometimes sarcasm is substituted for wit in the heat of lively debate. In these cases it could be argued that the "spontaneity" of the situation overwhelmed any sense to remain diplomatic. The same can not be said for the written word. One assumes that more thought goes into ideas conveyed by writing. Maybe it's an erroneous assumption.

    It is clear to all that you took offence to the comments made. I think it is now up to Elysian to be clear as to whether on not offence was intended.


  16. #16
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by wposloski
    It is clear to all that you took offence to the comments made. I think it is now up to Elysian to be clear as to whether on not offence was intended.

    Thank's Bill, I like the advice you've been giving in the critiques and this is just as good. You are right about the problems of using only the written word for this kind of communication. People do need to be willing to adapt if they are being misunderstood or their style is a source of irritation - that's the reason for this thread, to see if I need to adapt.
    We're going to let this whole thing die on the vine. If others have problems with some other member's, I'd suggest a PM to mtbbrian (the moderator) or use the "Report this Message" option rather than start a thread like this. It wasn't the best way to do things although it does give me the answer I needed.
    Thanks to all.

  17. #17
    Too square to be hip. almo's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chunk
    For the second time in the last few weeks I've just had the experience of another member using someone else's critique thread to post some vitriolic comments about me and my posting style. I'm not to concerned because the same poster has done the same to others under both his aliases so I figure in that way I'm in good company.

    It has gotten me to wondering if my critiquing style using the poster's shots and screenshots of dialog boxes to illustrate what I mean and using the "Reply to this message" to quote the poster bother other more normal folks. If it does I guess I would try to change the way I post. If it doesn't bother folks that much I'll continue on the way I have since it seems clearer to me that way sometimes than trying to use my poor communication skills to put it all in words.

    I also think it's about time for the moderators to consider taking steps to limit this kind of attack behavior. The newer people on the site may not understand that it comes from a long term troll and wonder why their thread, looking for help,is hijacked by someone for attack purposes.

    Some oldtimers I'm sure, remember the angst and damage done by personal attacks in the premoderated days and appreciate the better posting environment we have due to the time and effort expended by the moderators. Thanks to all of them for their hard work.
    You certainly don't bother me dude.

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  18. #18
    MJS is offline
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Photography, but mostly video/film students at a Miami High School. Young Shooter is one, he can be a bit brash and blunt, but has a decent eye for a youngster. The rest are working up the nerve to start posting. No site yet, the websters are planning on meeting with the school mucky mucks once we get the program running a little more solid.


  19. #19
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    Unhappy Re: Critique problem?

    I have been visiting this site as a guest for some time now. I finally decided to register a few days ago and build up the nerve to post for the first time. (don't know if I will do it again) At any rate I felt that there were so many talented people and much could be learned. I particulaly liked the fact that so many were willing to take the time to help others constructively, not only in stating their opinions and sharing their expertise, but furthermore in spending the time in working on someone elses image in order to clearly express a point as in the case of CHUNK. To me a pic is worth a 1K words.
    I know I am only a newcomer, but I felt compeled to express my feelings. I am greatful to all of you, who have behind the scenes helped me in my pursuit to better my photographic skills.

  20. #20
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by scsdc
    I have been visiting this site as a guest for some time now. I finally decided to register a few days ago and build up the nerve to post for the first time. (don't know if I will do it again)
    Thanks Susan, and welcome. Your comments mean a lot to me. Please do post some more of your work. I went to look at your first post and have to agree with the comments you already recieved, especially with reguard to how nice the second shot is. What else do you shoot besides waterfalls?

  21. #21
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by MJS
    Photography, but mostly video/film students at a Miami High School. Young Shooter is one, he can be a bit brash and blunt, but has a decent eye for a youngster. The rest are working up the nerve to start posting. No site yet, the websters are planning on meeting with the school mucky mucks once we get the program running a little more solid.

    If many of those students are as talented and enthusiastic as Young Shooter, you must have your hands full keeping up with them. I don't have a problem with YS's posting style and am glad to have honest views about how a photo is seen. That's the whole point here. Come on you other guys - we want to see some of your work!

  22. #22
    MJS is offline
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Young shooter and I are in class right now and will try to get the others to start putting some shots up.

    You should come down and see us if you are down our way. We love to have you come and show your stuff. Maybe we could do some type of net meeting session or something.

  23. #23
    Just a Member Chunk's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Quote Originally Posted by MJS
    Young shooter and I are in class right now and will try to get the others to start putting some shots up.

    You should come down and see us if you are down our way. We love to have you come and show your stuff. Maybe we could do some type of net meeting session or something.
    I'd like to meet you all, but I don't seem to get to Fla. much. I was in Northern Fla last spring for about 24 hours while helping a friend pick up a bike he had bought and the only other time was about 2 days in the early 70's when my submarine pulled into Fort Lauderdale. I also don't have a lot of stuff. I'm an amature photographer who just takes shots for my own pleasure and maybe a few gifts. Most of the stuff I'm proud of is spread out in the the photographyreview site that I'm so glad to have found a few years ago when first learning digital stuff.

    Have you looked back at the archived photo projects and the archived gallery? That stuff might give you folks some ideas for your own projects.

  24. #24
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    Re: Critique problem?

    Hey MJS i got a question u didnt end up telling me what happend in the self portrait, thing in class yesterday, like did u end up takign them
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  25. #25
    Intermediate member bobbythebandit's Avatar
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    Re: Critique problem?

    What a great response from all the nice and decent people on this site.Do not let one amadawn upset you, mate. Oh and by the way you wont find amadawn in any dictionary.Its what we in Ireland call the thickos here , you know them, they put on their right indicators just before turning left ! Cross the road ten feet away from the pedestrian crossing etc etc
    Keep doing what you do, Chunk, its appreciated.

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