Hello everyone!
I recently learned how to combine two exposures in PS... E.g, when you have bracketed shots of the same scene, you can combine the dark and light pics together and keep the best parts of them (I am sure you are all aware of this, and that I am just rediscovering the wheel here).
I have attached here an example that I played with yesterday. This is typically what you get when you take pictures of mountains: burned snow/clouds and nice FG... or dark FG and nice snow and clouds.... While a plit ND might help you compensate for it, this is not always a panacea, mostly when the silhouette of the mountains are jagged.
The third shot is a combination of the first two. There was also a little bit of tweaking in PS to get the colors OK (at least on my screen!).
This combination was surprisingly easy to do... and at 4000 dpi, I could not even see the 'montage'.... But is this RIGHT? Am I a bad person? Or have people done this since times already past and forgotten?
Anyway... I hope nobody is going to have a heart attack with this (I know that some of you are already choking when I mention 'cloning').