BUT, it's an action shot! This dragonfly was buzzing around the pond. He would hover for a split second, then hit the water, splash water onto the shore, and circle back to his hover point and do it again, and again, and again.
My autofocus wasn't fast enough to catch him (I tried to prefocus at his hover point, but he was too fast), so I switched to manual focus and prefocused. I watched him make a couple of passes, then shot this. If you ever want a challenge, try shooting dragonflies in flight!
Watch out Paul. Now all I need is a F5, a 400mm f2.8, and a Wimberly gimbal head and I'll be giving you a run for your money. Let's see: Wimberly - $565, F5 - $1930, 400mm f2.8 - $7700. On second thought, Paul probably isn't going to lose any sleep over it! :-O