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  1. #1
    Obsessive-compulsive... Steph_B's Avatar
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    Cleveland, OH

    Burrard bridge at night

    Dear All,

    Here are two attempts at night (almost night!) photography. It's a view of the Vancouver Burrard Bridge. The architecture is quite 'art-deco'.

    Please let me know what you think and if you have any special tips. In particular, I wanted the street lights to turn green and get ight trails from the traffic.

    Both shots: Velvia 50 exposed at 30 sec (first shot) and 20 sec (second shot). A prime 50 mm was used for the first shot, while a 24 mm prime was used for the second.

    (+ the usual PS work. Some perspective adjustement was done in the second pic.)


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Burrard bridge at night-1-screen.jpg   Burrard bridge at night-2-screen.jpg  

  2. #2
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Re: Burrard bridge at night

    Top picture I find the signs on the lamp standard very annoying, they block out the art deco light on the right hand side of the bridge. You can't change that though.
    The lights on the bridge under the arch are great, I like the way you can't see the girders behind completely.
    I also like the way you've composed it so the arches are aligned at the other end of the bridge, that's nice.
    I'm not sure it would work from the other side of the road (which would fix the street lamp) because it would change from a right-handed to left-handed picture - if that's the right term!

    Second photo is quite disturbing, because there seems to be nothing horizontal or vertical.
    But once I get over that - and that is what give it an initial impact, I still like it.

    #1 is best, I think.

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  3. #3

    Re: Burrard bridge at night

    Quote Originally Posted by Steph_B
    Dear All,

    Here are two attempts at night (almost night!) photography. It's a view of the Vancouver Burrard Bridge. The architecture is quite 'art-deco'.

    Please let me know what you think and if you have any special tips. In particular, I wanted the street lights to turn green and get ight trails from the traffic.

    Both shots: Velvia 50 exposed at 30 sec (first shot) and 20 sec (second shot). A prime 50 mm was used for the first shot, while a 24 mm prime was used for the second.

    (+ the usual PS work. Some perspective adjustement was done in the second pic.)


    Hello Steph,

    I mostly agree with SmartWombat although the signs on the lamp post doesn't distract me much. I find the first picture to be visually interesting.

    I must say that the second one doesn't works for me. The odd (to me) point of view doesn't add to the picture, nor does the angle.



  4. #4
    Obsessive-compulsive... Steph_B's Avatar
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    Cleveland, OH

    Re: Burrard bridge at night

    Thank you Paul and Seb for your feedback.

    Street signs: I HATE THEM.... mostly when they are up for nothing. The marathon was long past and they still kept the signs up... untill they have another event to annonce.... This way, there is always something there. Short of putting the damn things on fire or ripping them off, there is nothing to be done! Since the lampost is quite close to the building itself, that does not leave much option beside standing in the middle of the road with the traffic whizzing by!

    I do agree that the second pic is disturbing due to the picture angle. I tried to get the closest pillar vertical. But then I realized that by adopting a lower viewpoint, I could get an interesting view of the steel structure behind the main building. This way, I was hoping to add some dynamics in the pic. I actually like the second one better. But I guess it's because I am so used to it by now.

    Thus the reason for asking you guys for your opinion!



  5. #5
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: Burrard bridge at night

    Hey Steph

    I like the first one the best. For the same reason - the angle.

    Here are some tricks you might try -

    Shooting not at night but at dusk will give you a very deep blue in the sky as opposed to the washed-out sky you got here. How long after sunset? Try waiting for the "blues" to appear before shooting. BTW, Velvia is great on the blues!

    Problem with Velvia though is it's iso 50 - my second comment would be to open up a stop or use iso 100 to get brighter traffic trails.

    Glad you shot these! I've taken many pictures from bridges and I usually feel extremely self-conscious while doing it. Not that it's ever stopped me

    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

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  6. #6
    Obsessive-compulsive... Steph_B's Avatar
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    Cleveland, OH

    Re: Burrard bridge at night

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    Hey Steph

    I like the first one the best. For the same reason - the angle.

    Here are some tricks you might try -

    Shooting not at night but at dusk will give you a very deep blue in the sky as opposed to the washed-out sky you got here. How long after sunset? Try waiting for the "blues" to appear before shooting. BTW, Velvia is great on the blues!

    Problem with Velvia though is it's iso 50 - my second comment would be to open up a stop or use iso 100 to get brighter traffic trails.

    Glad you shot these! I've taken many pictures from bridges and I usually feel extremely self-conscious while doing it. Not that it's ever stopped me

    I should try again! Obviously, the street signs are still up, but this time they are kind of white. Maybe I should wait for a better color?!

    If I understand your suggestion properly, I should wait a little bit longer after sunset and push Velvia one stop to emphasize the traffic light trails. In other words, a shorter exposure will work better... I will need to try that!

    These pic were taken during the summer with a warming pola. to allow for a longer exposure. We now have much more tormented skyies, which might make things interesting. I will be moving soon and have tons of prepaid film that I need to use!

    Thanks Rick.



  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    New Glasgow, Nova Scotia Canada

    Re: Burrard bridge at night

    I like the bottom shot. But I like stang angles , adds affect.

    I would love to see more pictures of vancouver. I lived there for 3 years and loved it. I would love to see a pocture of rosinnis in Gastown . Great Jazz bar.

  8. #8
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Phoenix AZ

    Re: Burrard bridge at night

    "I should wait a little bit longer after sunset and push Velvia one stop to emphasize the traffic light trails. In other words, a shorter exposure will work better..."

    I think you're onto something! Stay in that spot a while and keep shooting as the sky changes. Longer exposures will wash the skies out. But as dusk creeps in, you'll get varying degrees of blue in the sky without changing your shutter or aperature.

    Something to try!

    Walter Rick Long
    Nikon Samurai, Mamiya Master, Velvia Bandit

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