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  1. #1
    Member erich_vasconcelos's Avatar
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    Bad composition?

    Guys, please let me know your thoughts about this composition. It would be much better if the man behind the photographer, in the left, hasn't been there at all. I'm not a big fan of removing parts of the picture in Photoshop to improve it's asthetics. I like it to be authentic.

    My question is: does it look ok like this or shoud I remove the people in the backgroud, leaving just the photographer??

  2. #2
    is back jar_e's Avatar
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    Re: Bad composition?

    I'd remove all the people and crop a little off the right. Interesting subject matter, and with the simplistic view you like I think it would do well.

    Nice subject matter,


  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Re: Bad composition?

    Another trick to remove people with very statis subjects such as buildings would be to use a tripod, stop down to f22 and use a grey filter(how dark depends on how bright outside), and settings 5~10 sec shutter speed. If the people are not entirely immobile, then it should remove most traffic 'naturally'.
    On this one, I would like to see more of the building or focus on the statue, both are interesting subjects.
    I envy all the places you have traveled, you really have a wide array of locations in your shots!
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Vancouver, BC

    Re: Bad composition?

    its hard to tell what the main subject is

  5. #5
    Member PhotoGimp's Avatar
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    Re: Bad composition?

    It's a good shot, I agree with jared, lose all the people, I think it would have more feel to it, and the pictures a little sloped to the left

  6. #6
    Member erich_vasconcelos's Avatar
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    Guys! I'm posting a new version of that picture, now without any homo sapiens present. But I guess I should cut a little from the left, but uncut the right part. That way the statue would stay on thirds. Or am I wrong?

    Anyway, it was fun to remove the subjects. It's a shame I am better in Photoshop than in photography itself! And one more thing: no more small pictures!

  7. #7
    GB1 is offline
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    Re: Bad composition?

    Actually, I like the composition but would have added a little more space at the top, as the statue looks a little crowded. I like the people in the photo (although in many situations, I prefer the opposite).

    Just a suggestion to maybe load the photo instead of a hyperlink to it. To me, it's just another step to see the good stuff. Would be easier on the viewer (me anyways)


  8. #8
    Photographic Lifestyle
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    Re: Bad composition?

    I like the new picture, maybe a tad too grainy, but the composition is very nice. Maybe burn some tone and depth into the pillars they look quite flat at the moment which for me makes the door more distracting.

    Laurie Priest

  9. #9
    Member erich_vasconcelos's Avatar
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    Re: Bad composition?

    How abou this one then?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Bad composition?-escadarias-sml.jpg  
    - There is no such thing as an ugly woman; just an unskilled photoshop user. (Erich Vasconcelos)

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