I was rather limited by in-shop lighting and using the Minolta A2 instead of the 20D.
But I did manage to capture my wife holding what must be the most expensive new teddy bear in the Steiff range.
Fur: mohair with gold silk threads woven in by hand
Eyes: central sapphire on gold, surrounded by 20 diamonds (each eye)
Nose: not gold thread, mould made from sewn nose, cast in 24ct Gold
Ear: knopf in ohr, is a 24ct gold button
Yes that's right, it costs today 2/3 of what I paid for my house.
Or 50% more than I paid for my new car !
No, it's not going in her collection
A bear that comes with its own lighted security glass case, and you have to hold with white golves - well it's not a bear to be hugged and loved. Which is what we collect.
Now I'll get to the point, which is the best?
Eyes Left
Eyes Right
Eyes Front
... cast your vote now