Using the K200D today in Landscape Mode, all photos seemed to be heavily Saturated.. I removed the Polarizer, it made NO difference,, GREENS were way overdone..
I then switched to AV mode, and same situation... greens still over cooked??
Anyone know HOW to , or if , you can set an overall Saturation Level in camera...
I know with the K200D you can do individual shots, but is there an OVERALL Setting for this without doing individual shots...
Appreciate some help on this... lens used was 18-55 mm
First shot, right out of camera, as you can see, I think it is over-cooked with saturation..
This was done in either Landscape or AV mode... It doesn't seem to matter what camera is set on , all pics seem Over Saturated...
Camera Model: PENTAX K200D /Resolution: 800 x 536/ Focal Length: 23.1mm (35mm equivalent: 34mm...
Exposure Time: 0.0080 s (1/125) / Aperture: f/6.7
ISO Equiv.: 100 // Whitebalance: Auto
Metering Mode: matrix Exposure: program (auto)