I don't know why I can't just go out a snap shots but I just ain't programmed to do that. I would never make a good test shooter. But I have been trying out the 50-200mm lens some more. Here a three from a snow we had Monday. It is going to take some getting use to for sure since I rarely shoot a tele this big. It seems my brain works best in the 35-40mm range and wants to stay there.
But the lens is certainly fast and sharp across the focal range and aperture settings. I am getting more use to the weight and the tripod mount is making for a nice handle. It has given me an idea to make a small handle to attach to it for holding, Kind of like an M16, electric drill or something.LOL
When I enlarge the shots in PS I am just blown away at the sharpness. I think Zuiko lenses are the best in the business. That by itself is enough reason to shoot Olympus. That and in body IS. I can only imagine what a SHG lens could do.