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  1. #1
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    And McCain chooses...

    Sarah Palin, the 2-year governor of Alaska who previously was the mayor of a small Alaskan town.


    This is certainly a surprise move, given:

    1) The criticism of Obama having little political experience

    2) Obama choosing a running mate with loads of experience to balance his relative lack, and McCain doing the opposite

    3) The fact that the Democratic party has been associated with women candidates recently, and a fairly high number of Clinton supporters defecting to the McCain camp

    4) Republicans' criticism of Obama being a "celebrity" given they have choosen a former beauty pageant queen as their running mate

    5) The stigma associated with Alaskan Republicans recently

    So the Republican party makes a bold move in which they blatantly reach out to women voters while at the same time undermining the party's main criticisms of their opponent. Ideologically, Palin appeals to conservative voters with a hard line against abortion and same-sex marriage.

    I actually think this makes the Democractic party look good. It encourages peoples' opinion of McCain as being a little out of touch, and suddenly Biden's record in office becomes a huge boon to the Democratic ticket.


    (remember, play nice)

    NY Times

    Edit: oops, this just in, Palin's husband works for British Petroleum??
    Walter Rick Long
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  2. #2
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Ha! When I first read your subject line I thought it said, "And McCain Looses..." I suppose Froyd would have something to say about that.

    She could be brilliant for all I know, but this has the appearance of pandering. Obama picked a VP that had much to offer the American people, and McCain picked a VP that he thought would help him get elected. That she fits the "complete unknown" label much better than Obama, is just puzzling.

    I can't help but think her proximity to precious precious oil might have been another factor in her selection. Call me cynical.


  3. #3
    Nikon/SIG f5fstop's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    Sarah Palin, the 2-year governor of Alaska who previously was the mayor of a small Alaskan town.


    This is certainly a surprise move, given: Yes, it was

    1) The criticism of Obama having little political experience...but she has more executive experience than Hussein

    2) Obama choosing a running mate with loads of experience to balance his relative lack, and McCain doing the opposite Hussein has been talking change, Biden is not a change candidate...he has been a senator longer than McCain.

    3) The fact that the Democratic party has been associated with women candidates recently, and a fairly high number of Clinton supporters defecting to the McCain camp I believe dems have been associated with woman politicians a lot longer than just Hillary. they did have the first woman VP years ago.

    4) Republicans' criticism of Obama being a "celebrity" given they have choosen a former beauty pageant queen as their running mate Who cares if she was a beauty queen; I bet Bill Clinton would like to meet a beauty queen. She been a governor of a state about as long as Hussein has been a US Senator, but at least she was in AK to vote once in a while. She has experience with energy and trying to straighten out AK problems. I guess the dems just can't wait to place some campaign ads with some shot of her as a beauty queen. Possibly dems have problems with good looking women; it appears Bill Clinton did; I mean, come on, Monica? (Yes, there is sarcasm)

    5) The stigma associated with Alaskan Republicans recently Hell, stigmas are not hurting Hussein with Redzco or his beloved minister. Stigmas didn't hurt Barney Frank or Ted Kennedy, so will it hurt the republican VP? I doubt it. If stigmas were a problem with either party, we would not have either of these parties. Look at the Keating Five consisting of five senators, Alan Cranston (D-CA), Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ), John Glenn (D-OH), John McCain (R-AZ), and Donald W. Riegle (D-MI). Only Cranston, DeConcini and Riegle were found to have improperly interfered with the FHLB. The rest were exonerated but criticized.
    So, do stigmas cause a problem? Only for Don Riegle. We could fill up the internet with so called stigmas for both parties.

    So the Republican party makes a bold move in which they blatantly reach out to women voters while at the same time undermining the party's main criticisms of their opponent. Ideologically, Palin appeals to conservative voters with a hard line against abortion and same-sex marriage. Looks like a win-win for McCain. McCain is building on a conservative party, she is a conservative. Makes sense to me. In addition, he might pull in some of those disgrunted Hillary women voters who are marginally conservative.

    I actually think this makes the Democractic party look good. It encourages peoples' opinion of McCain as being a little out of touch, and suddenly Biden's record in office becomes a huge boon to the Democratic ticket. Just wait till Biden opens his mouth. Remember, he did say Hussein was not qualified and McCain was. Granted this was in a primary with a lot of mud-slinging and racism between democrats (we republicans sat back and laughed). Let's see what the polls show in a few days. Biden as VP caused Hussein's polls to drop, so let's see what McCain's polls show in a few days. I can say that McCain has taken away almost all day after coverage of the coronation of Hussein as democratic presidential candidate. As for being out of touch...not sure which candidate is more out of touch.


    (remember, play nice)

    NY Times

    Edit: oops, this just in, Palin's husband works for British Petroleum??
    And what does that have to do with her? I do not believe he is in power at BP to make major decisions. Sounds like a hard working middle class, union person; someone the democrats are trying to attract. Or is this just more of what the dems will be pushing out in the next few months.

    She is also a member of the NRA, a moose hunter, a hockey mom, and someone who so far has done some good things for AK. Let's face it, Obama, McCain and Biden do not have any executive experience, she does.

    NOTE: I do not like McCain, I would have preferred Romney. However, I would rather shoot myself in the foot than vote for an extreme liberal who wants to take away what I have worked hard to make and give it to those lazy bums on welfare. Besides, the thought of seeing the Hamas, Hezzbolah, Al Quida, Iranians, Syrians, Talibans jumping for joy the day after Hussein is sworn in as president would be too much for this person to comprehend.
    As for my use of the name Hussein. Some find it disgusting (including Obama), I find it strange that he refuses to recognize his middle name and find this very curious. Why I ask, is he so afraid of that name? Could there be a reason for not using it, and bashing those who do use it. Therefore, whenever I write or talk about this man, I use his middle name. Some don't like it, usually the dems; some find it funny; usually the republicans, and some have actually threatened me for the use of Obama's middle name. The threats make me laugh, so at the least, I can get a good laugh out of using his name. Then again, I'm one of those bitter people that cling to my guns with anti-immigrant sentiment.
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  4. #4
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by walterick
    Sarah Palin, the 2-year governor of Alaska who previously was the mayor of a small Alaskan town.


    This is certainly a surprise move, given:

    1) The criticism of Obama having little political experience

    2) Obama choosing a running mate with loads of experience to balance his relative lack, and McCain doing the opposite

    3) The fact that the Democratic party has been associated with women candidates recently, and a fairly high number of Clinton supporters defecting to the McCain camp

    4) Republicans' criticism of Obama being a "celebrity" given they have choosen a former beauty pageant queen as their running mate

    5) The stigma associated with Alaskan Republicans recently

    So the Republican party makes a bold move in which they blatantly reach out to women voters while at the same time undermining the party's main criticisms of their opponent. Ideologically, Palin appeals to conservative voters with a hard line against abortion and same-sex marriage.

    I actually think this makes the Democractic party look good. It encourages peoples' opinion of McCain as being a little out of touch, and suddenly Biden's record in office becomes a huge boon to the Democratic ticket.


    (remember, play nice)

    NY Times

    Edit: oops, this just in, Palin's husband works for British Petroleum??
    Well if something happens to McCain at least we will have a "pretty" Pres. Forget experiance. I think McCain just has a thing for younger women. No room to talk about Bill.LOL
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

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  5. #5
    light wait photophorous's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by f5fstop
    ...Could there be a reason for not using it, and bashing those who do use it...
    Oh, you didn't know? Since the beginning of Obama's campaign, bigots have been trying to draw a link between him and radical Muslims in hopes that it will scare the American public into voting against him. Pathetic, huh?


  6. #6
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    f5fstop, I don't understand what Sadaam Hussein has to do with anything here.
    He's the only Hussein I know and he's dead.
    Perhaps you could explain yourself?
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Dylan8i's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    f5fstop the reason he is not using hussein is simple because the fact that people relate it to sadaam. see post above, case and point.

    very similar to if you saw someone with a swastika (a symbol used by many cultures thousands of years before the nazis adopted it) you would associate them with the nazis.

    i myself find your use of it degrading and opposing to the OP thread "(remember, play nice)". and it makes me think very little of you.

    and no i haven't decided who im voting for yet... although that fact that people like you like mccain, leads me to not like him.
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  8. #8
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Back to McCain,(hey I wonder if he's related to the Cain that murdered Abel), choosing Sarah Palin as his vp nominee, it is obvious to everyone, even those that deny it, that its an attempt to get the female vote, and thinking that those who wanted Mrs. Clinton are so out of it that they'd vote for any woman.
    I cannot vote for someone who wants to win at any price, especially choosing someone who is so eminently unqualified to be the president of this country.

    I can see the heads of our friends from outside the United States, shaking in disbelief.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Executive experience? less than 2 years of experience as governor of the smallest populated state in the country. Obama even has more experience than she does, sort of makes McCain look like a hypocrite. In a primary debate, Romney mentioned the value of "executive experience" from being governer. McCain was dismissive and expressed that experience in the federal system was more applicable than the local/state office. Changed a tune there.

    Anyway - I have been seeing the pandering from all sides start escelating the closer and closer to election time, just when I thought the DNC topped it, I wake up the next morning and hear this. It has got to be the most shameless pandering political stunt I've yet seen. As if the stunt wasn't obvious enough, the first thing Palin does is pander to the Hillary voters with her alluding to the 18 million shattering glass.... I think it was a bad move for many many reasons.

    Why I ask, is he so afraid of that name? Could there be a reason for not using it, and bashing those who do use it.
    Because its childish, the fact that people could be scared off by a name calls our cultures judgment seriously into question. Maybe we should start calling McCain Sidney.

  10. #10
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    You have to give the Republicans credit for their creative defense of her as his choice.
    I mean she has all that foreign affairs experience because Alaska is close to Russia.
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  11. #11
    Almost There...... ciddog91's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    I was a little disappointed by this choice, but then I looked at her experience. She has held some sort of office longer than Obama (maybe small compared but still in office). She also has held "executive" offices. She has lead cities and the state. She has had to deal with budgets, employees and taxes. This is directly opposite to what Senators do (legislative). This may seem small as is looks like it is small town stuff, but experience is experience.

    I think a Gov is better suited for Pres than a Senator anyways as they have already led and worked with the legislative and judiciary branches.

    This could be a good choice, but people will not see anyone's experience or ability, they will see what the media wants them to, be it republican or democrat.

    We will see in Nov..

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  12. #12
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    The mayor of our town has more executive experience than both put together as he's been there 8 years. I sure wouldn't nominate him for president.
    Name a governor that has been elected president that did a good job....I guess if your a conservative you think Bush and Reagan were good but I've yet to hear a convincing argument for either.
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  13. #13
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    The population of the town she was a mayor in, Wasilla Alaska: 5,469. Its silly to call her mayor and city council experience "executive" experience. Is McCain camp honestly trying to pass it all off as "Executive experience"?? The only thing that could possibly be considered 'executive experience' is the less than 2 years as Governer. Lets be relevant here.
    Last edited by Anbesol; 08-30-2008 at 12:49 PM.

  14. #14
    Member big baldo's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Isn't McCains new campaign slogan "country first"? How is nominating her, putting the country first? Maybe it should say "Campaign first".
    Maybe McCain can show her where Czechoslovakia is, or the Iraq- Pakistan border !!!!!!!!!

    As for Mitt "who let the dogs out?" Romney........
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  15. #15
    Senior Shooter Greg McCary's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    But to have someone at that level uncorrupted by years of Washington BS, Lobbiest.ect. Might be a good thing. Mrs. Smith goes to Washington type thing. A real American with real life experiances that has dealt with small town America in the White House for a change. Maybe McCain is smarter than we give him credit for.
    I am like Barney Fife, I have a gun but Andy makes me keep the bullet in my pocket..

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  16. #16
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Well, her being married into big oil, I dont know how Mrs Smith average lady this woman is. I wonder if we could ever elect someone who isn't ridiculously rich...

    Come to think of it, has the US ever elected someone who isn't incredibly wealthy?

    Baldo - you saw that too? lol, the iraq-pakistan border, what about getting hot bottled water to dehydrated babies, too!
    Last edited by Anbesol; 08-31-2008 at 08:31 AM.

  17. #17
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by Anbesol

    Come to think of it, has the US ever elected someone who isn't incredibly wealthy?
    Abe Lincoln.
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  18. #18
    Viewfinder and Off-Topic Co-Mod walterick's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Dylan - please do not make personal comments on members. F5fstop made no mention of any board members here. Please be careful that your responses are not about the POSTERS but about the TOPIC.

    Okay? I know this is a heated topic and I am encouraging everyone here to continue to play nicely DESPITE the very tempting political thread Thanks everyone!

    Now everyone repeat after me...


    I would hate to have to close a thread I started hoping that everyone could respond ON TOPIC

    Walter Rick Long
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  19. #19
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Hmm, I didn't really catch any hostility.

    Anyway - a peculiar thing I realized today.

    When Hillary and Obama were still competing well after super Teusday, McCain already the presumptive nominee - criticizes the two for running exceedingly negative campaigns, criticizes them for playing dirty politics.

    The day Palin as pick was announced, she panders to Hillary defects with "Well how about Hillary Clinton? What a remarkable woman, and such a graceful campaign she ran!", McCain clapping by her side.

    Strange how the tunes change. Ah will America be reduced to this every election cycle??

  20. #20
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    My first thoughts when I heard about this was that McCain was trying to combat his "old and out of touch" image by bringing in a much younger running mate. This would give him a chance to win over some of the younger vote. Add to that a woman, and now he has a chance to attract some of the Hillary voters that don't like Obama. After hearing about Palins's experience, or lack of it, it only proved to me that McCains choice as a running mate has more to do with getting himself elected than it does with moving the country in the right direction. I know nothing about her, so I could be wrong, but these are my first impressions.

    Of course the same arguments could be made about Obama's choice of running mate as well. Choosing a running mate with experience in foerign policy as well as someone with lots of experience in Washington to counter his own lack or experience in those areas.

    Either way, it seems like it always comes down to politics and doing whatever it takes to get elected...

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  21. #21
    The red headed step child jgredline's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by f5fstop
    And what does that have to do with her? I do not believe he is in power at BP to make major decisions. Sounds like a hard working middle class, union person; someone the democrats are trying to attract. Or is this just more of what the dems will be pushing out in the next few months.

    She is also a member of the NRA, a moose hunter, a hockey mom, and someone who so far has done some good things for AK. Let's face it, Obama, McCain and Biden do not have any executive experience, she does.

    NOTE: I do not like McCain, I would have preferred Romney. However, I would rather shoot myself in the foot than vote for an extreme liberal who wants to take away what I have worked hard to make and give it to those lazy bums on welfare. Besides, the thought of seeing the Hamas, Hezzbolah, Al Quida, Iranians, Syrians, Talibans jumping for joy the day after Hussein is sworn in as president would be too much for this person to comprehend.
    As for my use of the name Hussein. Some find it disgusting (including Obama), I find it strange that he refuses to recognize his middle name and find this very curious. Why I ask, is he so afraid of that name? Could there be a reason for not using it, and bashing those who do use it. Therefore, whenever I write or talk about this man, I use his middle name. Some don't like it, usually the dems; some find it funny; usually the republicans, and some have actually threatened me for the use of Obama's middle name. The threats make me laugh, so at the least, I can get a good laugh out of using his name. Then again, I'm one of those bitter people that cling to my guns with anti-immigrant sentiment.
    I agree...She ''INFACT'' has more experience than osama does...
    She has 12 years of public service to Osamas less than 4 total...Besides, she is ''AMERICAN'' Osama can't even provide a birth certificate to prove he was born here...

    But the most sickening thing about Obama is that he is a baby killer....If he can't even vote to provide care for a baby who is alive and breathing, how can he be trusted with the American people? Oh I know the answer...He is an American hating liberal....
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  22. #22
    Senior Member Anbesol's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    Quote Originally Posted by jgredline
    I agree...She ''INFACT'' has more experience than osama does...
    She has 12 years of public service to Osamas less than 4 total...Besides, she is ''AMERICAN'' Osama can't even provide a birth certificate to prove he was born here...

    But the most sickening thing about Obama is that he is a baby killer....If he can't even vote to provide care for a baby who is alive and breathing, how can he be trusted with the American people? Oh I know the answer...He is an American hating liberal....
    Well now don't you think you're distorting the facts a little? If her being on city council and mayor of puny town counts as her experience, then OBama has a good 15 years on him as well. Apples to apples, though, REAL experience, he has 4 years of senate, and she has 1.5 years of governer.

    *edit - oh dude lolz, I just realized you were being sarcastic. Didn't read that whole baby killer comment...

  23. #23
    Senior Member Dylan8i's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    nope don't think javier was being sarcastic, i think that refrence was in relation to obamas sand as pro choice.

    which is the right choice.
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  24. #24
    project forum co-moderator Frog's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    I just cannot believe ANYONE can defend this choice and its become rather ugly, unfortunatly.
    Now today I was swithching back and forth on the radio while driving, between a liberal and conservative talk radio stations and one was going on about her daughter's pregnancy not being an issue and the other that it was and neither side could listen to reason or accept an opposing argument.
    I, for the life of me, cannot fathom that Palin could be qualified. Executive experience as a small town mayor and 1.5 years as governor of Alaska, which if anyone has any experience with Alaska, knows they have an Alaska for Alaskans attitude in politics, is not experience on national or international affairs. I'm not saying the Alaska for Alaskans is the wrong attitude to have, but it is not what keeps one in touch with national or international issues.
    She has to study up on what a vp does? My God!! I'm willing to bet she's getting intense tutoring right now on things such as how many national state departments there are and what does each one do.
    I wanted to listen and watch the republican convention because I wanted to give a fair chance to them making their point. I cannot think of anything they could say.
    Obama has been working on national issues and local issues that have national consequence his entire life. He gave up a promising legal career to do so. He has nominated a respected senator who has many years of experience working on national and international issues who also happens to be very much an ordinary guy who went home to be with his family every night.

    The one thing I've noticed is that conservatives seem to think that liberals hate America because they want things to be better for average people, believe we should live by and make laws by the constitution, should keep politics and religion separate, and that leaders should have to live by the same laws as everyone else and not be able to dictate them as they see fit.
    I just don't get how politics has gotten to such a low state of affairs in this country and I guess Winston Churchill was right when he said," I believe in democaracy until I spend 10 minutes talking to an average voter". or words to that effect.
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  25. #25
    Senior Member Medley's Avatar
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    Re: And McCain chooses...

    For my part, I think that the only difference that her daughter's pregnancy makes is the media report today that McCain knew of the pregnancy BEFORE making his decision for VP. If that's true, it says a lot about the quality of the choices that McCain makes. It doesn't bode well for someone wanting to be Commander-in-Chief.

    And of course the republicans don't think it should be an issue, Frog. If I were in their shoes, I wouldn't want to discuss it either!

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