I have not been disrespectful of others views. If I have point me to them and I will apologize. The person who I have been attacking is Barack Obama and unless proven wrong, that I will not apologize for. He is a wolf is sheeps clothing...Originally Posted by Didache
Have you ever heard of the evil organization called ''planned parenthood''?However, as you ask: I don't think the abortion issue can be summed up as "pro life" vs "pro choice" - there are variations even within those camps and the moral questions are complex. Nobody thinks abortion is a "good" thing and virtually everyone I know who has ever had one, or opted not to have one, has had to make a very hard decision which is not always easy to live with. The issue (to me) is to recognise that NEITHER side takes this lightly and therefore it is unfair for EITHER side to regard the other as evil/monstrous/delete as applicable. For myself, I do not regard abortion as a moral good but I would not want to take the choice away from women (with certain caveats such as time, etc). You may call that "pro-choice" - I prefer to think of it as a difficult modern issue which has strong arguments on both sides. You have to remember also that I do not live in the US, but in the UK where the issue does not have the same resonance as it does for you.
Again, as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, how do you justify the murder of children? Since you are a Minister, please point me to scripture to Justify this...
I do hold and believe that God created the world we live in in 6 days and is six to ten thousand years old, however, this is a grey issue and I am not dogmatic in this view...I simply do not hold to the gap theory as I believe it take Glory away from God...On your other point, I am certainly not a young earth creationist (which I presume you are from your earlier comments). I am quite content with the view that God gave us brains and inquiring minds and that scientific understanding is not at odds with religious faith. Indeed, many scientists through the ages (eg Gregor Mendel, Michael Faraday, even Sir Isaac Newton) regarded their scientific work as "glorifying to God" because it made clear the wonder of his creation.
Again, show me where I demonized anyone. The only one who has me perplexed is you with your pro choice stand and being a minister. I just don't see how that is possible.However, whether or not you agree with me (I am guessing you don't!), my point was simply that people DO take varying views and they do so often after considerable thought and in full awareness of the moral/ethical/religious questions which are raised. Please don't demonise them - as you would not expect to be demonised by them.