I am not sure if this belongs in this forum, but I really didn't think it fit anywhere else either. If you think it might be appropriate in another forum, feel free to move it.
I'd like to know what people might be using to watermark their photos. Specifically, I'd like to add the exif data. This is not so much to prevent unauthorized usage, (I'd be flattered if someone liked my photos enough to steal them!) as it is to keep track of what I was doing, and so that others (like YOU for example) can provide suggestions to improve.
I have found one program, photo watermark professional, which will provide the data as shown on this turkey...but it doesn't list the data label (!SO400, 400mm for example) only 400,400. Which is fine when I shoot with those specs...but if I am shooting with the 400mm lens at 800ISO or vice-versa, I'd like people to know which is which.
Soooooo..........any ideas?