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Thread: WinterScapes

  1. #1
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Central Ohio


    While out scouting for subjects for the February Project Thread yesterday, I found a new place where there stands three gorgeous trees (oaks?). Since we finally got some snow and cold, I went trekking with the old 10D and the 17-40mm (I know, Copy, that lens is "no good" but I wanted to travel light ).

    I did see two kestrels in the area. Didn't have a chance with the 17-40mm. Hope to go back later this week and try to get them.

    Did get some of animal tracks in the snow which is one series I wanted to get this year.

    Thanks for looking.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails WinterScapes-02-05-07-tree.jpg   WinterScapes-02-05-07-tracks.jpg   WinterScapes-02-05-07-shadows.jpg  
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  2. #2
    Humbled WTP07's Avatar
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    Re: WinterScapes


    Tough to tell from that pic, but I am about 90% sure that is a bur-oak. (Putting that Forestry education to work for a change there...)

    The 2nd picture almost looks like the tracks were made in fine white beach sand.

    Nice to finally get some blue sky today...even if it is accompanied by freezing temps..(-17C here again today)...I think I got some more decent hawk pics, which I will post in a bit.

    Neat shadows on the final shot btw...

    Canon 40D
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    Feel free to edit my photos to improve them, don't be afraid to ask for the raw image if you feel you can help!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Copy_Kot's Avatar
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    Up-state, NY

    Re: WinterScapes

    Nice shots Loupey, we've had 45 inches of snow since yesterday... they just said on the news that we can expect another 1 to 2 feet by tomorrow. It's hard on the back (shoveling), but is sure is pretty

  4. #4
    nature/wildlife co-moderator paulnj's Avatar
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    Re: WinterScapes

    That tree looks like oak chips to me(putting that arborist job to work) :lol: It's definately an oak though I don't know which.


    "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" - Benjamin Franklin

  5. #5
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Central Ohio

    Re: WinterScapes

    Thanks guys. An oak it is.

    45 inches! At first I thought you meant 4~5 inches like what is normal in Ohio. So these are nothing new Perhaps those in warmer climes can appreciate the cold and snow

    Still I'm going to post some more from today. It snowed about 4" last night. Combined with with arctic cold the last several days, all the schools in the county have been closed.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails WinterScapes-02-07-07-tree.jpg   WinterScapes-02-07-07-shepards-hook.jpg   WinterScapes-02-07-07-weed.jpg  
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    What's a Loupe for anyway?

  6. #6
    Fluorite Toothpaste poker's Avatar
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    Re: WinterScapes

    Beautiful shots! I'm looking forward to my weekend in the snow now. Well, grocery to you and artic travel for a Southern Californian like me

    I'll travel light like you said. Do they have Starbucks in the forrest?

    Nice new website by the we have a face to the name
    Canon 5D MKII & Canon 7D

  7. #7
    Senior Member Copy_Kot's Avatar
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    Re: WinterScapes

    It's funny how something so simple as that last shot can look so dang good, very nice Loupey!

  8. #8
    K9er Bevb's Avatar
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    Essex, England.

    Re: WinterScapes

    Yes i agree less is best! sometimes and you have done this here Loupey.

    We had Snow last night, yippee! and have been out playing with the camera again after a while of it doing very little, so will post later.
    "Live Life to the full, theres no rehersals"

  9. #9
    Nature/Wildlife Forum Co-Moderator Loupey's Avatar
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    Re: WinterScapes

    Copy & Bev: Thanks for noticing my technique! Yeah, I like 'em simple - real simple Compose to include only those elements which help the main subject. Exclude all others.

    Eric: Thanks! I'm sure people are scratchin their heads about the grocery store reference (from Eric's thread in the Help forum). I love coffee but, fortunately, never became a "Starbucks guy". My idea of good coffee is a large-regular-with-cream from Tim Hortens. Premium to me would be a large-french vanilla-capuccino from the aforementioned establishment. Sounds good now - gotta run out and get some.

    Perhaps it's not odd elsewhere, but at the Columbus Zoo (home of Jungle Jack Hanna), they just put up a Starbucks on the grounds. They also serve beer at the next set of food buildings. Gotta cater to all I suppose.
    Please do not edit or repost my images.

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    What's a Loupe for anyway?

  10. #10
    Ex-Modster Old Timer's Avatar
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    KY, USA

    Re: WinterScapes

    I have to agree the simple images are sometimes the most beautiful and the most impressive. How often we pass them up in search for that glorious landscape. We need to slow down and look closer at the smaller and simpler subjects all around us. Beautiful job on these Loupey.
    Don't forget about the Gallery. Are your photos there??

    Nikon Samurai #13

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