I am seeking for a wide angle lense for my D70.
My first thought was to go for a prime such the Nikkor 14mm f/2.8 ED (I thought about a prime to get the very best optical quality and for the speed).
However I have heard about things such the front element being always exposed and the fact that it only tooks gel filters on the rear element!?!?? I am not quite sure what gel filters are at the first place...
Another option could be the rather new Nikkor 12-24mm f/4 DX ED zoom. It's slower but I can go wider and it takes conventional filters... However, I remember that Sebastian once pointed out the fact that DX lenses might not be a good bet as it is unsure that Nikon will sitck with the DX format sensor (they might eventually release full frame sensors).
Moreover, how can these two compare in terms of sharpness, perspective (do they distort a lot?), flare control etc,,,,
I have looked at the reviews but most people seems to be happy with what the have, it doesn't tell me much somehow.
best regards