I just took my first serious set of shots in RAW format. I downloaded them on to my PC, now what to do? When shooting jpegs, I would veiw my photos as a slide show and from there I would pick the shots that I wanted to process. I can't do that with the RAW files tho, and the Canon Utility viewer image is too small for my liking, unless I double click on the photo to enlarge it. But doing this doesn't let me see the entire photo on screan like the slide show does. I have tried making some adjustments with the utility viewer but it seems like it takes forever. My PC is to old to handle PS 8 so I don't have any way of opening the RAW files other than with the above mentioned software. So what do you RAW shooters do? I have seen posts saying that shooting RAW has reduced the post processing time greatly for some, but for me, it seems like it takes forever. I am in the process of saving the 83 RAW files that I took today as 16bit TIFF's so I can view them as a slide show, but this is going to take at least an hour to do, if not longer...
Any advice would be great!