I'm new to the forum, and (I suppose) not a very sophisticated user. I currently have a canon a60, which seems to work just fine for normal outdoor use, although once in a while I'd prefer a little more zoom.
The real problem I get into is when I'm trying to take close up pictures, especially indoors. The two main Problems I have are:
- Glare from the flash
- not enough detail or blury
Indoors the flash always likes to come on, but there's almost always a big glare spot from the flash when the camera is too close; if I pull it further away I just don't get a big enough picture, even with the 3x zoom. Sometimes I partialy cover the flash with my finger, which seems to help, but just as often the image is too dark.
Also I'm just not getting the detail I want from the pictures, for example if I'm shooting something with a fine pattern on it, I just can't see the detail or the picture comes out blury.
I hear that lens attachments may help and have seen something called a "lens hood" but I've never used lens attachments before so I'm unsure as to what I need..... I've also considered getting a nicer camera, perhaps a "Canon a80" or a "Canon Powershot S1 IS" but I have a nagging feeling that even with a new camera I may still have these problems.
Any help regarding whether I should look into a new camera, new accessories, or both would realy be appreciated. Also if anyone has any opinions between the a80 and Powershot S1, or any sub $400 camera I'd appreciate that as well.
Thank you in avance everyone!