I'm uhm..new to photography, too.
I have about 500 dollars to set-up my darkroom, and am kind of confused which route to go with all of the 'kits' and such. I just had a little building built(), and am making it light-tight and such, plus it has running water, so I think I'm good as far as that goes.
1.) Chemicals..what type?
2.) What will I need to do color prints, opposed to just B&W? (different type of enlarger?)
3.) http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/cont...#goto_itemInfo , comments? What else will I need, if I do get this kit?
I got a Canon Elan 7, and a Canon 35-135mm lens (any comments on this lens, I bought it used from a camera shop for $180.00)..and film type- Fuji NPH 400, and Kodak Versatility Plus 800.
Well, this is my jumbled thread, nice to meet you all.