I was just wondering if any of the fine people here can help....
I took 7 rolls of black and white into one of the top labs in my town. Film speeds included were 100,400,1600,3200. Each film I got back looks just like the other..very contrasty {which I like} but grain in every shot is huge even the 100 speed ilford delta which is supposedly very fine grain came out very dark and grainy.In fact almost every shot seems to be underexposed and jammed full of grain regardless of film speed.
I had slides done there too and they came back bang on perfect..extremely pleased showing great sharpness and saturation so I know now that the cameras meter is working fine and each shot as I alway try is composed/metered with care.
Could it be their chemicals? am I right in asking them to be redone? or some money back? I wouldnt care so much but those rools were of an overseas trip and I can tell if some of the shots had been done 'as usual' I could/should have some great shots.
Thanks for you help/replies