hi everyone, i'm new on this forum, and almost new also in CF cards and digital cameras ussage, so, this is the story:
Recently bought a nikon coolpix 8700 digital camera. Also bought a 1 Gb 40x CF memory card, by Lexar...
Using the CF card with a multi card reader, successfully transfering files between pc, a mac and the camera, tryed the "safely remove hardware option" (on the pc), it prompted me a message saying "cannot remove hardware now, try to dissconect it later"... as i have safelly dissconected several other usb 2.0 hardware before w/o paying attention to that message, i did the same and unplugged the multi card reader device.

After that, and still, I am not able to read the CF card, not in the pc, not in the mac, not in the camera (camera message says: CF card cannot be read)!!!...

Have downloaded several applicattions in order to "recover" the files, recover the drive, etc, but with no success, not even those applications can read the CF card (only a:, c:, and d: drives appear). Before the problem, CF card used to showed up in e: drive

I can use the reader with a multimedia card, w/o a problem

So, I don't care about the files in the card, i only want to be able to use that card again, does someone know how can I format that card if I'm not able to see it?? does someone know a way this cf card can be up and running again?? PLEASE HELP ME GUYS!!!