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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Cool Recommend a travelling buddy?

    Hi Every1,

    I'd like to find a video camera which takes great stills and is quite compact as I'll be initially using it to journal a 3mth trip around the world.

    (Pls forgive my ignorance as my knowledge is pretty raw)
    I have a laptop with a dvd burner, but wont be taking it with me so i guess a few SD cards are the go?

    Currently i have a little Olympus mju 300 which has been fine. I was going to update it, but now would like a 2 in 1 (movie & still) instead of 2 camera's. I'd like a decent unit so no definate budget, but was thinking around AU $1000? Is this reasonable?
    I have a stopover in Hong Kong - financially and technology-wise, would it be better to get it there or here in Australia?

    Any advise would be hugely appreciated, thanx & well done on a great site! ;)

  2. #2
    MJS is offline
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    Re: Recommend a travelling buddy?

    The best dual use camnera are only shooting at around 2mp. I still don't think that there is a combo camera that isn't a sacrifice. You can get a small MiniDV cam and and something like the new Nikon CP7900, great resolution and glass, 2 inch view finder and small size. The Sony HD series has a great video picture and small size.
    Nikon Samurai #8
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  3. #3
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend a travelling buddy?

    I would recomend deciding what is best for you, video or stills and getting the best of those you can afford. if you are happy to accept substandard video, then many hybrids are now offering slightly lower than vhs quality (just acceptable to watch at normal viewing distance on a regular tv) pentax has one out that is ok, it looks a bit like a gun, although you will have to fork out for several very large memory cards (if you are going for a few months then six or more gb of card would be starting to get there) In the Video camera line there are some panasonic 3ccd cameras that are ok as hybrids. the flagship one is 4mp on the still and broadcast quality on the video. be prepared to buy a memory card and tapes it doesn't come with them. Also it is expensive. In terms of buying it in Australia or Overseas, you will pay more in australia but i would still recomend to get it here as you will have tech support etc and if you purchase within a month of departure you can claim the duty back as well as learn to use it before you leave. If you buy it overseas you will save money but you will also have problems with warranty, have little or no technical support and you may have problems with power converters etc and in the case of the video camera, end up with a camera that uses the inferior American NTSC system as opposed to the Australian PAL system. or you could just by me a ticket and i will bring my stuff along and document your holiday for you

  4. #4
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    Talking Re: Recommend a travelling buddy?

    Thanx Skyman, as much as an 'entourage' and visions of a paparazzi-type documentary of my trip appeals, unfortunately the funds wont quite stretch that far!

    I guess i'll look closer at the international cost comparisons once i decide on a unit, as i believe there's usually an international warranty option (probably at a charge no doubt).

    I'm leaning toward a Canon at this stage, the Optura 60 or OpturaXi (aka MVX3i), which is a little larger, but both have the required inputs/outputs, including mic and headphone options and a resolution of 1632 x 1224, which makes for better stills? I think? Perhaps a little more than i'd wanted to spend, but as i know it'll get alot of use I don't mind.

    I love my gadgets and are a fan of Sony, however I believe sometimes part of the cost is in the name and other brands can often provide a little more bang for your buck! I have a Canon printer and scanner, so i could possibly integrate the photo software i have.

    What are your thoughts on the two units i mentioned - or any others i may have missed? A good zoom (lens) and picture/movie result taken indoors is also a priority.

    Thanx again for your time. I'll be sure to mention you in the credits of my first blockbuster - you watch Funniest Home Videos don't you?! ;)

  5. #5
    Moderator Skyman's Avatar
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    Re: Recommend a travelling buddy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisha
    you watch Funniest Home Videos don't you?! ;)
    I try not to it kills to many brain cells. the canon is nice, but you are simply paying for a really small one, not any inherent quality. the pick of the bunch at the moment is this:
    3CCD / 4.0 Megapixel Digital Video Camera [Model No: NV-GS400]
    RRP: $2,749 [GST Inc.]
    3CCD Camera System
    Leica Dicomar Lens
    4 Megapixel Still Picture Recording
    NEW Crystal Engine: Image Processing LSI
    O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabiliser)
    From panasonic
    but bang for buck from canon would be:
    the mx200i but at that price the panasonic nvgs-75 is still the better buy (given that zooms over 10x are hard to hand hold and you are interested in high quality stills)

    as for your love of sony, i will try to save you. sony are not bad....but this is only for the top of the line models, they are stupidly overpriced and clunky for camcorders. and they have a tendency to introduce poorer "technology" in new cameras as evidenced by their line of dvd camcorders which not only record lower video quality than there tape based brothers but also less of it.
    there is a good dvd kicking around about how to make home movies watchable. basically though try recording only short bursts of video (30 seconds maximum) and lots of it and try not to zoom to much then when you edit this the footage is much less boring. that way you won't have to resort to funniest home videos as people will enjoy your movies without needing to objectify the spectacle. aaarrrggghh i sound like my boring uni lecturers. Happy hunting. I would point you in the direction of some good shops but i only know the sydney ones.

  6. #6
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    Re: Recommend a travelling buddy?

    Thanx again for the info, i'll definately look at the Panasonic, however $2000+ is a little out of my league!

    If you could let me know the good shops in Sydney, I could still contact them and perhaps work something out - hey, it's a starting place...

    Enjoy the rest of your day!

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Camdenton, Missouri, USA

    Re: Recommend a travelling buddy?

    I have an Elura 90 and it takes still images that are fair (1.3Mp) It is handy when I don't have my digital camera ready. I like this camcorder and think it is worth the money.

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