I have a thread on Aerial Photography here, have been looking for a camera for this, saw this one, has anyone got one yet?
I have just been looking at the specs for the Olympus Camedia 7070 Wide Zoom. It has fab specs and got me really interested, but unfortunately,DPreview haven't reviewed it yet and since I have used their reviews to benchmark all the different camera's I have looked at, I am a bit stumped. It looks like being an absolute cracker, 420 grams! and I am excited as I write.
The olympus C 8080 was the best in its class (part of the race for 8mp) but was a hefty 720 grams.
Converter lenses/USB 2/3.3fps bursts/27-110mm/AV output/xD and CF(I+II) can be held at the same time
Only limiting factor for my purposes is ISO 80-400, I am hoping that it turns out that it outperforms its ISO rating (I think the 8080 turned out nearer ISO 600.)
Have a look and see what you think.
Nik B