I've been looking for a good digital camera for the past few days now...I got an Olympus and well it was really big and badSo I got that returned and all and now I've got it narrowed down a bit.
First lemme tell you what I would like....
-Something small and cute (Talking cameras here...)
-Good flash at nighttime/good nighttime performance
-Fast response + recycle time and such...
-Good overall image quality
-Will be using for casual use. Wont blowup pictures or anything just normal size...Half a page? Would also like good quality tho...
Ahh and my budget...Well It's at the most like ~$400 ish... I mean its only a camera!
Well I've preety much said what everybody is looking for...
Well anyway so far I have a
Fujifilm Z1
Nikon S1
Picked out. And so far I'm leaning towards the Fujifilm. To me, Nikon is better known but I think from the reviews and such the Fujifilm is more liked....Atleast I get the impression. However I just saw that the Nikon was more liked in one kind of review on a big site...But usually the Fujifilm is more liked.
Anyway, you know what I'm looking for, you know what I'm thinking about. HOWEVER, I dont know what you're thinking about! ;)