Hello, I recently bought a Fujifilm FInePix S5000 camera and have a 28 day evaluation period before I'm stuck with it!
I used to own a FinePix 2200 so am very used to using Fuji cameras which made me think the S5000 would be ok.
But after testing it out I'm a little dissapointed with the quality of the photos. The JPEG's seem over compressed and there's a lot of noise in them. As I don't print out my photos, just view them on my computer I shoot in 2megapixel (1600x1200)
I rang the shop where I got it from and asked them to reccommend some more cameras and they have come up with the Olympus C-750 or the soon to be released Olympus C-765.
I have read some online reviews for the C-750 which all say it is a very good camera, the C-765 reviews are a bit rare as the camera is new but the all seem positive too.
I guess i'm asking what should i do, here's my options and prices -
Fujifilm s5000 + 16mb xD Card -£217 ($385)
Olympus c-750 +128mb xD Card +Olympus Case -£315 ($558)
Olympus c-765 + 16mb xD Card - £280 ($500)
I'm going on holiday to Thailand at the end of May so want a camera that will capture my once in a lifetime dream holiday!!!
What do people think will be best?
Thanks for your time and help!![]()