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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Tucson, AZ, USA

    Question A digital to fit my photo needs- plz help

    I used to use a minolta 370 SLR with a 70mm-210mm zoom. I am sick of spending so much money on film and processing and therefore have decided to venture out into the wide world of digital photography. But I am not sure what i really want.

    I want a digital camera that will be just as good as my old SLR film camera. I am interested in manuel focusing but i havent tried AF that much. I mostly take photos of animals and nature so finding a camera with a good zoom is a must! My price bracket is no more than 1000 for the camera body (and if i can find less, its better). Also, I want nothing less then 6 pixels and i would perfer 7-8 or more. If only the body is suggested, also suggest a good lens with a good zoom.
    Can someone please help me out?? I am in dire need of some advice. thank you everyone and have a nice day.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Re: A digital to fit my photo needs- plz help

    i dont want to tread on hallowed ground here.. but have u considered the none DLSR approach.. ??


  3. #3
    Sitting in a Leaky Dingy Michael Fanelli's Avatar
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    Perryville, MD

    Re: A digital to fit my photo needs- plz help

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellemorte
    I used to use a minolta 370 SLR with a 70mm-210mm zoom. I am sick of spending so much money on film and processing and therefore have decided to venture out into the wide world of digital photography. But I am not sure what i really want.

    I want a digital camera that will be just as good as my old SLR film camera. I am interested in manuel focusing but i havent tried AF that much. I mostly take photos of animals and nature so finding a camera with a good zoom is a must! My price bracket is no more than 1000 for the camera body (and if i can find less, its better). Also, I want nothing less then 6 pixels and i would perfer 7-8 or more. If only the body is suggested, also suggest a good lens with a good zoom.
    Can someone please help me out?? I am in dire need of some advice. thank you everyone and have a nice day.
    The only camera in your price range is Canon's digital Rebel. It is less than $1000 including a surprisingly decent kit lens. I have one and it provides very high quality images. Don't get caught up in the megapixel race. DSLR's 6 MP is vastly better that any consumer-level camera with higher MP ratings. I would look at the Canon 28-135 IS as a great all-around lens.
    "Every great decision creates ripples--like a huge boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound off the banks in unforseeable ways.

  4. #4
    Liz is offline
    Moderator Emeritus Liz's Avatar
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    New Jersey

    Digital Rebel

    I agree with Michael. The price has gone down. After rebate it's less than $700. I have this camera and I absolutely love it.

    Check it out.

    then check the reviews on it here.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bellemorte
    I used to use a minolta 370 SLR with a 70mm-210mm zoom. I am sick of spending so much money on film and processing and therefore have decided to venture out into the wide world of digital photography. But I am not sure what i really want.

    I want a digital camera that will be just as good as my old SLR film camera. I am interested in manuel focusing but i havent tried AF that much. I mostly take photos of animals and nature so finding a camera with a good zoom is a must! My price bracket is no more than 1000 for the camera body (and if i can find less, its better). Also, I want nothing less then 6 pixels and i would perfer 7-8 or more. If only the body is suggested, also suggest a good lens with a good zoom.
    Can someone please help me out?? I am in dire need of some advice. thank you everyone and have a nice day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: Digital Rebel

    Vote #3 for rebel.

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