OK this might be beaten to death here, im not sure but here goes.
I narrowed my decision to the D50 and the D70s. I know all the specs for both of them. So need to tell me that.
Image Quality: Are they about the same?
I wouldnt say im a complete begginner with digital photograpyhy. But this will be first SLR. I know things like ISO, Aperture, Shutter. What effects they can do etc.
I do love doing post work in photoshop. Almost all my photos i do some sort of post work to.
The price will be about the same whether i buy the D50 and D70s because if i get the D50 i will be getting the kit lens of the D70s. So thats not a problem.
I do all kinds of photography: architecture, macro, action, landscapes etc.
I know the D50 makes cleaner less noise images at higer ISO but i dont do much low light shooting.
Is the D50 to much of a beginner camera which makes no room to improve and no room to use professinol controls. And is the D70s to hard to learn (manual) for a beginner?
So im asking plz from the info a gave and what you know help me make a decision.
Thanks in advance.