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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    could you please advice me?

    what camera should I buy?
    I will use the camera for veryday photos(such as holyday,family,friends...)
    but also I will use the macro mode for taking pictures of paintings,datails..etc
    so I must choose between these cameras:
    sony dsc-S40
    panasonis dmc-LS1
    samsung digimax A5
    canon powershot A400

    Do you know if all the cameras have sound on videos and can use NI-Cd batteries,please?


  2. #2
    Captain of the Ship Photo-John's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

    Re: could you please advice me?

    It's always tough to help people choose between a set of cameras. Camera choice usually ends up being pretty subjective. So rather than telling you which one to buy - which I can't really do anyway - I'll just tell you that Canon and Sony are the most popular makers. And from my own experience, they have the best image quality of those 4 manufacturers. The only one of the cameras you listed that I've used is the Canon A400. It uses AA batteries so you can use anything you want in it, including NiMH rechargeables. Sony cameras always use their own, proprietary rechargeables.

    Have you looked at these cameras in our review section? Here's a link:

    I hope that helps you make your decision. Let us know if you have more questions.

    Your reviews are the foundation of this site - Write A Review!

  3. #3
    Member VanillaKisses's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Rock Falls, IL

    Re: could you please advice me?

    Hi Chihiro..
    I've found a good way to make a final decision, after weighing all the options I can online.. I go into a camera store.. (or, even just a wal-mart, staples, best buy.. etc) and actually HOLD the cameras I'm looking at, see which feels best in your hands.. you can also test them out a bit there.. see how the menu's are set up, check out the macro lens/features... see how close and clear each one is.. and how big/clear the screen is on the camera (also check into which have the capability of adding more lenses later... a set of macro lenses are always great to use for close ups)

    Choosing a camera that can use ordinary AA's is always a Great option, you can keep several extra sets of batteries charged and ready for a quick change, or run into Any store/gas station for batteries.... where as, some cameras need to be plugged in to charge, or have the battery removed.

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