Well I work for the local school system and they were doing away with a darkroom. They haven't teached photography in many years. They tought fifth graders how to develop and print. I was given some equipment a couple of weeks ago, basically everything I needed short of fixer and stop bath which I had. Most of the developer was way out of date as with the paper. But not having anything else to do I thought I would practice. At first I started with 5x7s which was a disaster from the start. After two days of growing pains in which I think I made every mistake imaginable. I give up in frustartion. I figured I was fighting old developer, paper, ignorance or all three. So today I thought I would try some 8x10s. After a couple of shots at some test strips I figured out exposure, then after a few more rookie mistakes I finally got some that resembled a picture. This wasn't the best of the lot the best one got a couple of water spots on it during clean up. More growing pains. But forward I go. I think as little B&W film as I shoot my film scanning days are over, also I am not a happy snapper. I am pretty selective with my stuff. But best of all I did it all without a computer mouse. If you have never printed in a darkroom you don't know what your missing.