April 29th is designated "World Pinhole Day" and B&H is celebrating by offering a special fun workshop on the 29th from 11-3:00. Here are the details!
World Pinhole Day: Workshop and Photo Walk
I thought all of you interested and/or involved in Pinhole Photography/Cameras might be interested.
Megan - are you here??? :thumbsup:
A clip from their website:
April 29 has been designated ‘Worldwide Pinhole Day’ and here at the Event Space we are celebrating these funky little cameras with an afternoon of programs. If you have always wanted to expose some pinholes but were never quite sure how to get started, this is your chance to do it with a group of like-minded photographers. And if you’re a pinhole veteran, join us for some new tips as well as the adventure of joining in Worldwide Pinhole Day festivities.