For the past few years, I've been actually working, portrait sessions and such. Every year, about this time, we step back and evaluate what I've done the previous year, what I want to do the upcoming year, what goals I've hit, what goals I've missed.
On my list has always been college. I've put it off, for one reason or another, for 10 years. As dh pointed out the other night, the timing is never going to get easier, only harder, unless I want to be attending with the girls.
I've got an appointment next week to take a look at an art school in our area. If it feels right, I'll get the application together, write my essay, and put together a portfolio. They need 20+ of my best.
IF, and right now it's a big if, this works with our schedule, and if they'll take me, I'd continue shooting portrait sessions, but limit it to the babies/children, which is what I really love doing. Anything else would be referred out.
Over the next few days, I'm going to be going back thru my images, and putting together a folder of potentials. If anyone has any favorites or comments, hit me with them. Whether they pertain to a portfolio, or just a major upheaval in general. This whole thing is kind of intimidating.
I'll be on and off as we get this going...everything should be in place in a month or so.