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  1. #1
    mooo...wooh hoooh! schrackman's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    Redding, CA

    white balance test

    This will not suprise any of you seasoned and knowledgeable photographers, but for those of us who have not been seriously involved in photography for very long it's kind of neat when you learn something new, even if it is a small thing. I read somewhere that one can use a coffee filter as a very inexpensive method for achieving accurate white balance. So, I said "Hey, I've got some coffee filters, I'll give it a shot." After all, I do hate forking out the bucks for any type of equipment unless it's absolutely necessary. So I took a conical-shaped white filter in hand, grabbed my camera and went outside to snap a few photos. The following photos show the results: photo #1 was shot with the DRebel's auto white balance; photo #2 was shot white balanced to the coffee filter. Both are straight from the camera, no ps at all. You can definitely tell that photo #2 is better saturated and the colors more true and will require significantly less ps work to correct color. Of course, this was only one test done later in the afternoon and in the shade. Will have to perform additional tests to see how well it works in diverse lighting situations.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails white balance test-flower_program_mode.jpg   white balance test-flower_custom_mode.jpg  

  2. #2
    re-Member shutterman's Avatar
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    Jul 2002

    Thanks for the examples. I have been messing around with the D100 to get the WB right for certain situations. Good now these tips work!


  3. #3
    mjm is offline
    that guy.
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    La Mesa, CA USA
    how many coffee filters did you use? did you just rubberband them around your lens? i have read the same thing but never tried it. how did you expose the coffee filter shot? and then the flower shot?

    more info!!!

  4. #4
    mooo...wooh hoooh! schrackman's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    Redding, CA
    You're welcome, Wes. I was hoping it might be of benefit to someone to read this thread.

    mjm - I only used one coffee filter. I held it out in front of the camera to permit the light source to fall upon the filter, and then I shot the image. I used aperature mode with no exposure compensation. Your camera's white balance function may differ from mine so I won't get into how the custom white balance setting was made.


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