Interesting debate. Following your though processes - did you use slide or negatives in the film days?
I see the computer being the enlarger and processing skills used with that device. I do exactly what I used to do with an enlarger, crop, levels adjustment, dodge, burn, merge two negatives to produce the final picture, and then print. I then use to clean up pictures with blade and coloured pens to get rid of dust marks... Cloning in todays tools.
No difference really in the way I use photoshop elements or Paint Shop Pro today.
I must admit I try and get the best picture straight out of the camera using lenses to hand. I spend ages composing when I have time. I still use film but don't use the dark room anymore, I scan in the negatives or slide and post process using PSE or PSP depending on the tools that I need.
So for me the work I used to do in the dark room just got easier - the original out of the camera has to be good; as it used to be in film days; otherwise no matter what post processing you do a badly composed photo will still be badly composed.
I don't think our views of photography are that far apart.