I just shot my first wedding in about 25 years. Got away from it for many different reasons, but suffice it to say that the right deal came along and I had an offer I couldn't refuse.
Anyway, way back when, putting a professional album was totally different than it is today and I have no clue where to start, who to trust, and which company to use. I no longer have any idea what a good album should cost, for a professional, nor do I know what type of album is the best way to go, or what size the pictures should be.
This was a rather upscale wedding, very posh and the cost of the shoot for 28 pictures was 15% the cost of a rather pricey affair. ( You can scrimp on many things at a wedding, but you should never scrimp on the photography!) The pictures came out very nice and I'm still in post production, Photoshop, and could use a little direction and some advice with the above mentioned particulars.
I use 5D's. For the portraits I used an 85mm f1.2L II and two 580 ex's into a 36" umbrella triggered by an st-e2. For the party a 580ex bounce and a 24-105L.