6am, why am I getting up this early...on a SATURDAY. Oh right, the Olympic torch is coming through my town this morning at 8:30am, and me being the crazy person I am decided to get to my church a stopping point along the way for 7am. Grabbing my camera bag, warm N2-B jacket, long johns, two pairs of socks, combat boots, warm sweater, scarf, gloves, and watch cap...I'm out into the cold.
Rather than standing outside for an hour and a half I hole myself in my church listen to my MP3 player piped over the sound system and started reading the book of Mark. I slap my 70-200mm f/2.8 lens and head out into the cold at about quarter to 8 to secure a good spot on the route. Totally worth it.
Mayor Krantz and the next runner in the Torch Relay
Here is comes carried by Tom Brown, weatherman for CTV Toronto
The Kiss