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  1. #1
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Question Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    Hey folks! I'm going to be starting as a tourist photographer at the Biltmore Estate this week. I will be using a Nikon D50 for the first time and practicing my big smile because, as we all know, you get what you give. I'm wondering a few things from the PR family at large - please feel free to respond to any of the following:

    1.) What's the best or worst experience you've had at an "attraction" with a tourist photographer or do you even bother to let them take your photo at all?

    2.) Are there any particular things to watch out for on the D50 - good or bad? Of course I'll be trained on the camera by my employer but would like to hear especially from those of you have regular experience with this model. Do you love it? Do you hate it? What's the scoop?

    I'm really trying to keep from annoying guests while making sure I get my job done. That's a balancing act at any venue or event but the more "Jeez that really ticked me off." moments I can avoid the better. Luck Favors the Prepared!

    Personally, I love tourist photos and always try to buy at least one when I'm on vacation at a place that has them, but that's usually because it's the only way I get myself in the picture with my family short of self portraiture - which isn't always convenient.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  2. #2
    Panarus biarmicus Moderator (Sports) SmartWombat's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    1) no, never, they don't get my money.

    I've seen soo many totally incompetent people doing this, that someone who knows what they're doing will be a welcome change!

    Scroll down to the Sports Forum and post your sports pictures !

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    Skeptic that I am, I would tend to agree with SW. I know nothing about this, but wonder if it would it be poor form to have a photo or two featuring the attraction to showcase your skills? A big smile and a picture is worth a thousand ...... dollars (or so)??

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  4. #4
    Senior Member readingr's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    I'm with Paul, I would never pay for the photo's I have seen. Unless I knew you were behind the camera of course.

    Roger R.
    "I hope we will never see the day when photo shops sell little schema grills to clamp onto our viewfinders; and the Golden Rule will never be found etched on our ground glass." from The mind's eye by Henri Cartier-Bresson

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  5. #5
    Learning more with every "click" mjs1973's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    My worst experience with this was a few years ago. While being ushered through the line to go on a tour everyone was 'forced' to have their picture taken. I say forced because they actually stopped you to take you photo before they would let you go through. I didn't protest because I didn't want to make a scene. It felt as if we didn't have a choice. After the tour was over the 'photo crew' was scrambling through the crowd trying to match you up with the photos to make the sale. It felt more like a scam than a treasured memory. No, we didn't buy the photo either.

    I think if you are nice and polite you shouldn't have a problem. Are you going to have something set up and stationary where people come to you or are you going to be mobile and asking people if you can take their photo?

    The tourist photos that I have seen and liked were of some friends. The photos were taken when they were on a ride and I'm betting they didn't even know they were being photographed. They looked very natural and captured some great moments.

    Good luck!

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  6. #6
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    Wombat - Well you do ALOT of events. I'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons they brought me on, I was introduced to the staff as 'Someone with LOTS of photography experience.' [Gulp.]

    Paula - Thank you but it's really less about me and more about access and location, since both are controlled, i.e copywrited/trademarked I have to play by their rules. Specifically, it's a private home and so they control who gets to make pictures of it for profit who does not.

    Roger - You are a great hearted person but even so I would not expect you to capitulate to such things, especially for the likes of me.

    My worst experience with this was a few years ago. While being ushered through the line to go on a tour everyone was 'forced' to have their picture taken. I say forced because they actually stopped you to take you photo before they would let you go through. I didn't protest because I didn't want to make a scene. It felt as if we didn't have a choice.

    Thank you for sharing MJS that's exactly what I mean!!!!! We do indeed have a mat zone but we are required not to push the photo, i.e. someone says 'No Thanks', it means just that, 'Thanks for coming, have a great day!' Biltmore was extremely specific with our vendor regarding that aspect that no one should ever feel forced to take a photo. [I'm hearing overtones of Duck Truck Tour Photo Lock Down Cattle Call in your post. I did buy mine, but for the above stated reasons and in spite of the back shadow, horrible lighting cast and fuzzy copy from either the sublimated dye quick printer, bad focus or all of the above. I've analyzed this personally and it comes down to not trusting anyone else to hold my camera or know what to do with it if I did, which I don't, so don't ask, cause I might have to bite you or something . . .]

    I am going to be doing several aspects of the job but they think I will excel most as a 'Rover' who has more direct interaction and composition control in the process. I'm basically treating it like any other corporate hire account.

    Frankly, in this economy, [I'm so sick of hearing that] we all have to apply our skills to the best of our abilities. I couldn't put a client base together in five years like they get every day and I hate the desk job. Go where the people are, access is everything, then make something happen! It doesn't preclude me from doing my artistic offerings in the local shops either, just some steady income. I sincerely hope to bring all of my skills to this job and blow the doors off of it ~ artistically speaking of course!
    :thumbsup: :cornut: :23:
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  7. #7
    Not-so-recent Nikon Convert livin4lax09's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    I've never understood how those companies can make money - I can't imagine people actually buying the images most of the time. I don't know, it seems like if its a picture that some stranger can take with a point and shoot, why buy it from someone else?

    But I think it's great you're doing photography as a job! Do what you love!

  8. #8
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    livin4lax09: I know how you feel and many people go that route, but I was told that for every 15 people like us there are 85 who do want a picture and buy it happily.

    I've never understood how those companies can make money
    That's easy - control of access. No one is allowed to take photos inside the house, it's all proprietary, so the mat photo is the one place where you can have this done and that's enough for most people.

    I've looked over the process for our company and they do make a better effort at quality and presentation than other "tourist photo" providers I've encountered. The estate certainly puts an emphasis on this. Plus we have a kiosk set up at the end of the tour so there's no milling about looking to match folks with pictures, the people come to us and ask for their picture with a bar coded business card. I've been told, at this time of year, just keeping up with demand at the kiosk is a full time job all by itself!

    But I think it's great you're doing photography as a job! Do what you love!
    That's the whole point. Since I've moved to a new town this year I just don't have the client base that it's going to take to get me through the winter. These folks already have the location, market and process set, I just have to shoot and be happy. And I'm definitely looking at the upsides for this as well; no editing, no bride-zillas, no printer snafus, no hard drive crashes, no chasing people down for orders and payments. . . Pretty sure I can handle that. :thumbsup:
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  9. #9
    Formerly Michael Fanelli, mwfanelli, mfa mwfanelli2's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    I never pay for photographs. The most ridiculous situation was during a 1/2 day rafting trip in Colorado for the kids. The staff photographer knew almost nothing about his camera and the photos he took were amateurish and grossly overpriced. I followed the trip in my car and kept getting ahead of the rafters to set up my shots: my images were vastly superior and I am not even close to being a pro.
    “Men never do evil so cheerfully and completely as when they do so from religious conviction.” — Blaise Pascal

  10. #10
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    That seems like a challenging situation for anyone Michael, much less someone without a lot of photo experience such as you described. Kudos to you for being prepared and putting in the effort to get what you wanted.

    Unfortunately, most of these places do advertise as 'No experience necessary - will train." type situations that I don't think is actually helpful to anyone and just adds to the negative aspects of the job (frustration and low pay from reduced sales commissions) as well as the experience for the tourist who feels "photo hustled". I was asked to provide samples of photos I had taken, (luckily I had a few lying around :ihih, but as I understand it it's not a prerequisite of the job.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  11. #11
    Senior Member freygr's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    The D50 is like my D70, with my camera you don't want to run the ISO over 800, unless you don't have a choice. The flash is only good out to 10 feet, so I would use a speed light if available.

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  12. #12
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    Thank you Freygr!!!! Great info!!! For the flash - I will have an off camera SB in a hood on a stand for daytime atrium shots. I'm pretty sure 800 is our max ISO for evening tours so good to know.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  13. #13
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    From Biltmore With Love

    Just an update from the trenches. I have seen the jaws of Hell, smiled, asked to take it's picture and returned out again. :devil: :thumbsup: I just wanted to add an epilogue to this thread for the interested few.

    I am well and wiser for the experience and completely inoculated to the word "No!"
    I have been induced to think on my feet and charmingly rebut the pokes of thousands of tourists. I have seen the mountains of Western North Carolina do amazing imitations of volcanos at sunset in a 180 degree panoramic view and not been allowed to photograph it because the camera is tied to a pole. I have made friends with those that would have me and been kind to the rest to the tune of 5 - 8000 per day.

    I just finished my last day as a seasonal tourist photographer, walking out with my head high and smiling all the way, but I sure will miss the view.

    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  14. #14
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    What you should do is decline but then offer to take their picture working for $20 as long as you can post the shot here. That would be hela funny.

    Ten dollars American to the first person who can legitimately claim this prize. You MUST get them to pay you for the work, and you must post the picture here.

    And a receipt copy would be nice.

  15. #15
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    Oh yeah, and you HAVE to take a picture of them taking a picture of someone who paid them to do so...

  16. #16
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    You go, girl! Sounds like you came out the victor.

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  17. #17
    Senior Member OldClicker's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    Interact with 8000 people in one day? I'd go postal TF
    I am no better than you. I critique to teach myself to see.
    Feel free to edit my photos or do anything else that will help me learn.
    Sony/Minolta - way more gear than talent.

  18. #18
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    Thanks Paula, it feels that way to me. I'm actually thinking I have figured out a way to get back in there while preserving my dignity and my craft and creating something that people might actually want to participate in. We'll see. . .:aureola:

    Clicker - It was a challenge to greet and photograph so many people on certain days. But as I said at the beginning of this post it was my endeavor to treat this like I would for any other corporate client event. I had the Biltmore's expectations and my own to stand up to and I can honestly say I gave everyone I encountered 100%. It's just how I roll. :thumbsup: And then I go home and I have a nice long talk with my friend Jack Whiskey about how the day went and who my favorite rudest guest of the night was. The more horrible they were the bigger I smiled, because they are the ones being harassed for a photo while on vacation. Perhaps those are the first signs of going postal or at least masochism. . . :arf:
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  19. #19
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    I suspect you might have missed the point of this thread but thank you for your input. . . I actually had about 50 such offers a day. Good luck with your reward photo. If you do manage to get one please feel free to post a copy here too. I'd sure be impressed.

    Quote Originally Posted by daq7
    What you should do is decline but then offer to take their picture working for $20 as long as you can post the shot here. That would be hela funny.

    Ten dollars American to the first person who can legitimately claim this prize. You MUST get them to pay you for the work, and you must post the picture here.

    And a receipt copy would be nice. Oh yeah, and you HAVE to take a picture of them taking a picture of someone who paid them to do so...
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  20. #20
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    Apparently I did miss the point. Sorry. ...did not mean to offend if I did.

  21. #21
    Love + Music + Photography = Life CLKunst's Avatar
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    Not at all. I thought it was funny! We all have to do things we don't like to do once in a while. It doesn't define me as a person or a photographer, it's just something I had to do for 3 months.

    Personally I understand the frustration from both sides but particularly for the people who don't want anything to do with it. I'm very glad that Biltmore insists we leave a "trap door" space so guests who don't want to participate can walk by without being confronted. I'd much rather talk and work with people who want to participate than folks who feel forced into it.

    There are folks I worked with who are clearly coming at it with a retail sales approach and come off that way, but the other half were legit photographers and videographers like me who were just trying to scratch their way through a very lean winter. Of course not all venues are created equal. In lots of other places and attractions you might as well be a carney worker, they can become very similar jobs.
    C.L. Kunst - CLicKs Photography
    Asheville Photographer

  22. #22
    Senior Member
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    Re: Tourist Photos: Do You Play or say Nay??

    man i have nothing but respect for people who have to make money through creative artistic endeavors no matter HOW they do it. hard work.

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